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8.5kg / 6kg NA-S86FG1WAU Front Load Washer Dryer for Hygienic Care

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Care+ Hygiene Expert ensures effective bacteria elimination and stain removal.
* All images are for illustrative purposes only.
  • StainMaster+
  • Active Speed Wash
  • ActiveFoam SYSTEM
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Allergen & Stain Removal for Your Baby

Allergen & Stain Removal for Your Baby
StainMaster+ helps protect babies from allergies. It effortlessly washes away stubborn stains, bacteria, dust mites and allergens using hot water (up to 90ºC).
*1 Endorsed by Allergy UK. *2 Certified by the Institute of Biotechnology (Hanoi) on Oct. 23, 2019

Fine Foam to Lift Stains Easily

The ActiveFoam System creates fine, dense foam that penetrates deep into fabric to thoroughly remove dirt and ensure cleaner results.
Fine Foam to Lift Stains Easily

Keep Your Drum Clean

The Auto Tub Care function automatically cleans the tub with every wash, preventing the build up of detergent residue that causes black mold and foul odors.
Keep Your Drum Clean

AI Smart Wash –
Intelligently Cares for Your Laundry

AI Smart Wash –  Intelligently Cares for Your Laundry
Smart Sensors intelligently detect your laundry conditions and adjust the washing patterns according to the washing needs, providing optimal washing performance.

Smarter. Cleaner. Efficient

Maximizes Washing Performance

3Di Inverter automatically selects from countless optimal washing patterns to maximize cleaning. Your laundry is cleaned better.
*1 Compared to Panasonic’s NA-V11FX2, with and without vibration sensor, with 5kg loading. (internal testing)
Maximizes Washing Performance

Optimizes Washing Consumption

3Di Inverter intelligently optimizes consumption by detecting your laundry washing conditions. Smartly minimizing wastage.
*2 Model: NA-V10FX1. Panasonic internal test based on IEC 60456 with the exception of water temp.. ECONAVI program compared with Cotton 40 ºC (10kg/water temp. less than 17 ºC) vs Synthetic 40 ºC
(1.5kg/water temp. more than 35 ºC)
Optimizes Washing Consumption

Fast Washing, in Just 38 Minutes

The Active Speed Wash delivers optimum washing performance in just 38 minutes with fine, high-density foam. Saving you time so you can focus on the more important things in life.
* Based on half a load using the Active Speed cycle
Fast Washing, in Just 38 Minutes

All-in-One Washer Dryer

All-in-One Washer Dryer
Select a course and let the washer take care of everything, from washing to drying. Additionally, the larger drum makes it easier for clothes to spread out and helps minimize wrinkling.

Designed to Fit

Designed to Fit
Designed with modern aesthetics to complement the exceptional washing performance, it's the perfect solution for all your laundry needs.


Photo of 8.5kg / 6kg NA-S86FG1WAU Front Load Washer Dryer for Hygienic Care

Size and Weight


* Please check the minimum space requirements for installation.

  • StainMaster+StainMaster+
  • Active Speed WashActive Speed Wash
  • ActiveFoam SYSTEMActiveFoam SYSTEM

Wash Capacity: 8.5kg
Dry Capacity: 6kg

StainMaster+ eliminates allergens and bacteria with hot wash

Auto Tub Care function suppresses mold and bacteria growth in the tub

3Di INVERTER intelligently detects your laundry to maximize wash performance, optimize consumption by itself

Fast washing in 38 minutes

ActiveFoam System creates fine foam to lift stains away easily



Photo of 8.5kg / 6kg NA-S86FG1WAU Front Load Washer Dryer for Hygienic Care
2.9 out of 5 stars. 8 reviews

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for 8.5kg / 6kg NA-S86FG1WAU Front Load Washer Dryer for Hygienic Care