Clinic. Every aspect of a clinic is designed from the perspective of the patient. A professionally-designed facility ensures the quality of the air. Filling the entire facility with fresh air enhances both sanitation and the appeal of the space to patients.

Clinic. Every aspect of a clinic is designed from the perspective of the patient. A professionally-designed facility ensures the quality of the air. Filling the entire facility with fresh air enhances both sanitation and the appeal of the space to patients.

Do You Ever Wonder About
the Quality of Air Around You?

Image showing how since clinic waiting rooms are for sick people, air quality management is essential.
Image showing how helping prevent hospital-acquired infections, or HAIs, is an important function of air quality management.

Our Solution For Clinics

Image of a room map of a clinic as seen from above as an example showing examination room、procedure room, waiting room, office, pharmacy, entrance, changing room, doctor’s office, X-ray room, front desk, break room, consultation room, and showing the possible locations of 27 different air quality management devices, 21 of them clickable to reveal product details.

Note: Product layout plan is intended to propose a solution range and available products may differ by country.
Air purifier, ERV, Air curtain, Cabinet fan and Filter box is currently not available for New Zealand market.

Actively attack bacteria and viruses in the air

Image of a doctor listening to a girl’s breathing with his stethoscope.

nanoeTM ions encapsulate bacteria and viruses, inhibiting their activity. Since a clinic has many patients coming and going, the air design incorporates this technology to help create a hygienic space.

Freshen up your clinic

Image of nanoe particles breaking down the substances that cause odours.

Tiny nanoeTM ions penetrate deep into the fibres of uniforms, towels, and more, and they reach various parts of your clinic as well. These ions break down various types of unpleasant odours, such as perspiration and other body odours.

Reduce HAIs with proper humidity management

Image of a doctor examining a girl who is next to her mother.

Dry air lowers the defenses of the throat mucosa, making the person more susceptible to influenza. Maintaining relative humidity of 50-60% can help prevent the spread of influenza and other hospital-acquired illnesses (HAIs).

Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. Influenza Q&A.

Reduce the stress of waiting

Image of a mother smiling as she talks to her daughter in the clinic’s waiting room.

A higher CO2 concentration negatively impacts people’s ability to focus. Ventilating equipment that offers superior quiet operation constantly brings in outside air while keeping the CO2 concentration within an acceptable range. Your patients will be more relaxed as they wait, feeling less stress and anxiety.

Note: Results may vary based on usage; and seasonal and environmental variables (temperature and humidity). nanoeTM and nanoeTM X inhibit activity or growth of viruses, but do not prevent infection. Deodorisation effect varies according to the environment (temperature and humidity),
operation time, odour; and fabric types. It does not remove toxic substances in cigarettes (carbon monoxide, etc.). Odours that are continuously generated (e.g., building material odours and pet odors) are not completely removed. All images shown are for illustration purpose only.

QUALITY AIR DESIGN for Each Type of Building

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