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DECT Cordless Telephone
with Large LCD

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DECT Cordless Telephone With Large LCD

The Easy-to-Use Handset with a separate set of large TAM operation keys on the base make the TAM easy to operate.

Easy-to-Use Handset

The clear Sound System ensures clear conversation with less voice interruptions, allowing you to enjoy a smooth, error-free conversation even when you're out in the backyard, garage or far away from the base unit.

The hands free speaker phone lets you talk on the phone even when you're busy cooking, cleaning, using your PC, or doing just about anything. It's also handy for taking notes, typing, etc.

One Touch Eco Modes Let You Lower The Power Consumption

By pressing the Eco button on the handset, the signal output is reduced by 90%.

Easy Caller Identification Unique Technology

Thanks to Caller ID*1 capability, you'll be able to see the phone number of an incoming call on the LCD. If the caller is registered in the phonebook, their name will be displayed.


1.4” Easy Read Amber LCD Screen
Speaker Phone
Built-in Answer Phone



Photo of KX-TG2722NZB
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