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Microwave Oven NN-SF574S

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More Cooking Space with a Flatbed Design

• 27 L Solo Microwave Oven
• Flatbed Cavity
• Precise Power Control
• Clear, Linear Design
• LED Oven Light

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Increased Cooking Space

Increased Cooking Space

Use dishes of any shape and size thanks to the innovative Flat & Wide design, which gives you a cooking area that is 31% bigger when compared to conventional turntable microwaves.

Precise Power Control

Precise Power Control

Conventional microwave ovens operate on only one power level - fully on or off. Panasonic Inverter Technology delivers graduated power sequences continuously so food is cooked and heated more evenly, with more delicious results.

Stylish Clear, Linear Design

Stylish Clear, Linear Design

• Flameless Design
• Integrated Door Open Button

Stylish Clear, Linear Design

Precise Power Control



Microwave Oven NN-SF574S
27 L Solo Microwave Oven
Flatbed design
Precise Power Control
Panasonic microwave ovens come in large variety of models. There is a trimkit available to easily turn it into a stylish, built in unit.



Photo of Microwave Oven NN-SF574S
4.7 out of 5 stars. 1682 reviews

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for Microwave Oven NN-SF574S

Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
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