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Sea bream carpaccio

Sea bream carpaccio

Sea bream carpaccio

This Japanese-style carpaccio dish features low-fat sea bream strewn with a vibrant medley of vegetables. The tangy lemon and black vinegar dressing seeps into the slivers of sea bream, bringing out the fresh umami flavour of the raw fish.

Cooking Time10 minutes

Nutrition per serving

  • Calorie215


  • 2cucumbers
  • 2radishes
  • 90 gsea bream
  • 5 mlolive oil
  • Small quantity of lemon peel for garnish
  • Small quantity of French parsley for garnish
  • 5 mlblack vinegar
  • 5 mlsoy sauce
  • 5 mllemon juice


1) Thinly slice one of the cucumbers lengthwise using a peeler. Grate the other cucumber. Thinly slice the radishes using a slicer.

2) Spoon out about seven equal portions of grated cucumber onto the serving dish.

3) Take the sea bream from the PrimeFresh compartment and slice it at a 45-degree angle. Then place each slice on top of grated cucumber.

4) Arrange the cucumber strips and radish slices on the dish.

5) Cut the lemon peel into strips about 3mm wide, and scatter over the dish along with the French parsley. Drizzle with olive oil.

6) Mix the black vinegar, soy sauce and lemon juice to make the dressing and drizzle over the dish before serving.

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