Our Activities

Policy on Responsible Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Migrant Workers

Policy on Responsible Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Migrant Workers

As of 1st April 2020, Panasonic Group Companies in Malaysia have adopted the Policy on the Responsible Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Migrant Workers. The purpose of this Policy is to provide Panasonic Group Companies in Malaysia with standards for managing the recruitment and employment of foreign migrant workers in a responsible and sustainable way. (Revised on 1st October, 2022)

Panasonic Global Eco Learning Programme

Panasonic Global Eco Learning Programme

In Malaysia, this programme targets primary school students and is organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The aim is to reach over 10,000 students, starting with schools in the Klang Valley. In addition, there will be activities and factory visits to bring the message to life, by making it more meaningful and memorable.

Kid Witness News Programme

Kid Witness News Programme

KWN (Kid Witness News) is a global video education programme supported by Panasonic that began in 1989 in US. At Panasonic’s annual KWN Training Camp in Malaysia, participants from many schools around Malaysia are taught the essentials of video production, given hands-on opportunity to handle semi-pro cameras provided by Panasonic, and at the end of the programme, worked as teams to produce two short duration assignments.

Panasonic Scholarship

Panasonic Scholarship

Panasonic Scholarship is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by Panasonic. Its aim is to provide scholarship opportunities to privately financed students from Asian countries who wish to pursue a master's course in Japan.

Team up with Coral Malaysia

Team up with Coral Malaysia

In our efforts to preserve one of nature's endangered resources, Panasonic Malaysia has teamed up with Coral Malaysia to conserve Malaysia's rich coral reef ecosystem. Together, we have constructed artificial reefs with suitable materials to sustain the home of a large variety of marine living organism. This is our way of reversing the damages of the marine life caused by pollution, careless tourism and destructive fishing practices.

Environment Champions (Schools) Industry Module

Environment Champions (Schools) Industry Module

The Environment Champions (Schools) Industry Module is an experiential learning module organised jointly by Panasonic and the National Environment Agency of Singapore to showcase real-life environmental applications and initiatives in the industry.

Response to Kawaguchi Manufacturing Case

Response to Kawaguchi Manufacturing Case

The Panasonic Group, as stated in the Panasonic Group Human Rights and Labour Policy, faithfully strives to prevent human rights abuses in its business activities and to take appropriate measures to remedy any adverse human rights impacts occasioned in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and with reference to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. 

Sustainability News