WATER ーThe Sustainer of Healthy Life
Water is an indispensable part of our lives, supporting daily life from the ground up. If the water is clean, our whole life is clean, increasing our sense of security. Panasonic wants families to be happy by having the water they need. We have continued to advance the development of water purifiers for more than half a century and alkaline ionizers for more than a quarter of a century.
Water in Human Body
Our bodies contain 60%* water. Most of the water obtained from drinking water and food absorbed by the intestines and becomes body fluids such as blood. A total of about 7,200 L* of blood per day circulates around the body carrying oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and metabolic waste.
Blood also eliminates bacteria and other foreign objects, and controls body temperature while maintaining the body's internal environment, so it plays a very important role.
* An adult man. The percentage of water decreases with age

Losing and Supplying Water
Every day, our body will discharge 2.5 L of water as a result of exhalation, sweating and other bodily functions. Losing an extremely large amount of water can cause a wide range of physical problems.
You could say that an adequate supply of safe, clean, high-quality water is the key to a healthy body.

Our Health and Internal Environment of the Body
To keep us healthy, our bodies maintain just the right internal conditions such as the concentration of electrolytes, body temperature and pH. This ability, referred to as homeostasis, maintains a pH of approximate 7.4 inside the body, which is slightly more alkaline than the neutral value of pH 7, while it's a pH of approximate 5.3 at skin surface, which is weakly
* pH indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+), with pH 7 taken as neutral.

Life with Worry-free and Multi-functional Water
Not only drinking, but also for various usage such as washing and cooking, safe and clean water is needed by everyone every day. Thorough water purification lets you enjoy a worry-free life, and multi-functional water such as alkaline ionized water realizes your healthier life.

Help Upgrade Your Life with Our Range of Products
Generate not only safe, clean purified water, but also multi-functional water such as alkaline ionized water. Ionized water has unique properties other water doesn’t have that contribute to a healthier daily life.

Under Sink Type
The main unit and special faucet are separated. You can store the main unit under the sink to provide a spacious countertop.

Countertop Type
The main unit and special faucet are integrated. Installation is easy and doesn’t require any construction work.

History of Panasonic Quality Water

Year |
Milestone |
1966 |
Release of water purifier |
1980 |
Release of batch alkaline ionizer |
1989 |
Pharmaceutical approval of the water alkaline ionizer |
1990 |
Release of built-in water purifier |
1993 |
Release of continuous alkaline ionizer |
1994 |
Release of built-in alkaline ionizer |
2009 |
Release of pot alkaline ionizer |
2013 |
Release of reduced hydrogen water generator |
2017 |
Release of UF membrane alkaline ionizer |
Worldwide Expansion
Brazil, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Middle-East, North Africa, Panama, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

Japanese Quality & Reliability
There are no compromises made, not only in the water purifying performance but also in safety and durability. The DNA of Japan's famed craftsmanship is clearly found in Panasonic’s product development. The quality of Panasonic products is recognized worldwide.