ESG data

(Some figures have been rounded, so the breakdown and totals may not match.)

ESG data

(Some figures have been rounded, so the breakdown and totals may not match.)


GHG Emissions

Scope 1 emissionsConsolidated*1t-CO2e42,00040,18023,460
Scope 2 emissionsConsolidated*1t-CO2e393,850319,520257,030
Scope 3 emissionsCategory 1: Purchased goods and servicesConsolidatedt-CO2e2,534,2372,366,575
Category 5: Waste generated in operationsConsolidated*1t-CO2e3242111
Category 6: Business TravelConsolidatedt-CO2e2,6002,4702,490
Targeted reduction ratio for greenhouse gas emissionsFiscal 2031*2Consolidated*1%3030
Fiscal 2051*3Consolidated*1%100100

Decarbonization Efforts

Environmental contribution indexConsolidated*1-4.54.0
Avoided CO2 emissions*4Consolidated*1kt-CO2e13,15014,93012,710
Zero-CO2 factories*5Consolidated*1Sites1014
Carbon footprint (per unit of battery capacity, vs FY2022)*6Consolidated*1%100100

Energy Consumption

Energy consumptionElectricity from renewable energyConsolidated*1TJ402.61748.96988.96
Fuel consumption from renewable energy sources (biofuel, etc.)Consolidated*1TJ000
Electricity from non-renewable energyConsolidated*1TJ2,932.512,581.382,125.93
Fuel consumption from non-renewable energy sources (fuel, heat, steam, etc.)Consolidated*1TJ1,223.361,164.921,060.11
Electricity Renewable Energy Ratio*7Consolidated*1%122232
Energy intensityConsolidated*1TJ/¥100mn0.560.500.51
Amount of reductions in energy consumptionConsolidated*1TJ2726160

Recycling / Waste

Recycled resin usedConsolidated*1t14.649.5511.29
Factory waste recycling rateConsolidated*1%98.7098.7097.60
Total wastesMetal scrapConsolidated*1kt21.5019.9216.03
Paper scrapConsolidated*1kt1.751.601.75
Glass / ceramicsConsolidated*1kt0.010.010.01
RecycledMetal scrapConsolidated*1kt21.1819.3815.89
Paper scrapConsolidated*1kt1.751.561.75
Glass / ceramicsConsolidated*1kt0.010.010.01
LandfillMetal scrapConsolidated*1kt0.310.280.14
Paper scrapConsolidated*1kt0.000.000.00
Glass / ceramicsConsolidated*1kt0.000.000.00
Achievements and initiatives for recycling waste plastics in JapanWaste generationConsolidated (domestic)t1,040918.4647.5
Recycled amountConsolidated (domestic)t974.2892.4627.0
Final disposal amountConsolidated (domestic)t0.130.230.07
Recycling rateConsolidated (domestic)%99.999.999.9
Target of recycling rateConsolidated (domestic)%Over 99.0%Over 99.0%Over 99.0%

Water Consumption

Water withdrawalSurface waterConsolidated*11,000 m3000
GroundwaterConsolidated*11,000 m3238221234
Municipal water and industrial water, etc.Consolidated*11,000 m31,6091,5781,287
TotalConsolidated*11,000 m31,8471,7991,520
Total water withdrawal intensityConsolidated*11,000 m3 / ¥100mn0.230.210.18
Water dischargeSurface waterConsolidated*11,000 m3352635
GroundwaterConsolidated*11,000 m3000
Wastewater, etc.Consolidated*11,000 m31,3441,2061,344
TotalConsolidated*11,000 m31,3791,2311,379
Total water consumptionConsolidated*11,000 m3468568142

Environmental Management

Number of offices that acquired ISO 14001 certificationConsolidated*1Sites221919
Case of violations of laws and ordinances (exceeding of standards resulting in penalty, etc.)ConsolidatedViolations000
Human Environmental Impact*8Consolidated*1kcount70.7259.4253.23
Release/transfer of substances requiring managementConsolidated*1t235300190

*1 Head office MORIGUCHI sites (manufacturing/non-manufacturing) and Panasonic Energy Group manufacturing sites
*2 Vs. fiscal 2014. Set as uniform target for all Panasonic Group operating companies.
*3 Set as uniform target for all Panasonic Group operating companies.
*4 The amount of CO2 emissions reductions achieved for our customers and society as a result of the introduction of our products, compared to the baseline level where no products were introduced.
*5 Factories that have achieved virtually zero CO2 emissions by conserving energy, introducing renewable energy, and using credits.
*6 CO2 emissions per unit of battery capacity produced at the North American factory.
*7 Percentage of electricity, fuel, etc. used by Panasonic Energy that is derived from renewable energy sources (includes certificates, credits, and other externally procured items)
*8 Metric expressed by multiplying the “hazardousness factor,” which expresses the weight of harmfulness as independently determined by the Panasonic Group for chemical substances, by “release and transfer amount. ”


GHG Emissions

Scope 1 emissionsConsolidated*1t-CO2e42,00040,18023,460
Scope 2 emissionsConsolidated*1t-CO2e393,850319,520257,030
Scope 3 emissionsCategory 1: Purchased goods and servicesConsolidatedt-CO2e2,534,2372,366,575
Category 5: Waste generated in operationsConsolidated*1t-CO2e3242111
Category 6: Business TravelConsolidatedt-CO2e2,6002,4702,490
Targeted reduction ratio for greenhouse gas emissionsFiscal 2031*2Consolidated*1%3030
Fiscal 2051*3Consolidated*1%100100

Decarbonization Efforts

Environmental contribution indexConsolidated*1-4.54.0
Avoided CO2 emissions*4Consolidated*1kt-CO2e13,15014,93012,710
Zero-CO2 factories*5Consolidated*1Sites1014
Carbon footprint (per unit of battery capacity, vs FY2022)*6Consolidated*1%100100

Energy Consumption

Energy consumptionElectricity from renewable energyConsolidated*1TJ402.61748.96988.96
Fuel consumption from renewable energy sources (biofuel, etc.)Consolidated*1TJ000
Electricity from non-renewable energyConsolidated*1TJ2,932.512,581.382,125.93
Fuel consumption from non-renewable energy sources (fuel, heat, steam, etc.)Consolidated*1TJ1,223.361,164.921,060.11
Electricity Renewable Energy Ratio*7Consolidated*1%122232
Energy intensityConsolidated*1TJ/¥100mn0.560.500.51
Amount of reductions in energy consumptionConsolidated*1TJ2726160

Recycling / Waste

Recycled resin usedConsolidated*1t14.649.5511.29
Factory waste recycling rateConsolidated*1%98.7098.7097.60
Total wastesMetal scrapConsolidated*1kt21.5019.9216.03
Paper scrapConsolidated*1kt1.751.601.75
Glass / ceramicsConsolidated*1kt0.010.010.01
RecycledMetal scrapConsolidated*1kt21.1819.3815.89
Paper scrapConsolidated*1kt1.751.561.75
Glass / ceramicsConsolidated*1kt0.010.010.01
LandfillMetal scrapConsolidated*1kt0.310.280.14
Paper scrapConsolidated*1kt0.000.000.00
Glass / ceramicsConsolidated*1kt0.000.000.00
Achievements and initiatives for recycling waste plastics in JapanWaste generationConsolidated (domestic)t1,040918.4647.5
Recycled amountConsolidated (domestic)t974.2892.4627.0
Final disposal amountConsolidated (domestic)t0.130.230.07
Recycling rateConsolidated (domestic)%99.999.999.9
Target of recycling rateConsolidated (domestic)%Over 99.0%Over 99.0%Over 99.0%

Water Consumption

Water withdrawalSurface waterConsolidated*11,000 m3000
GroundwaterConsolidated*11,000 m3238221234
Municipal water and industrial water, etc.Consolidated*11,000 m31,6091,5781,287
TotalConsolidated*11,000 m31,8471,7991,520
Total water withdrawal intensityConsolidated*11,000 m3 / ¥100mn0.230.210.18
Water dischargeSurface waterConsolidated*11,000 m3352635
GroundwaterConsolidated*11,000 m3000
Wastewater, etc.Consolidated*11,000 m31,3441,2061,344
TotalConsolidated*11,000 m31,3791,2311,379
Total water consumptionConsolidated*11,000 m3468568142

Environmental Management

Number of offices that acquired ISO 14001 certificationConsolidated*1Sites221919
Case of violations of laws and ordinances (exceeding of standards resulting in penalty, etc.)ConsolidatedViolations000
Human Environmental Impact*8Consolidated*1kcount70.7259.4253.23
Release/transfer of substances requiring managementConsolidated*1t235300190

*1 Head office MORIGUCHI sites (manufacturing/non-manufacturing) and Panasonic Energy Group manufacturing sites
*2 Vs. fiscal 2014. Set as uniform target for all Panasonic Group operating companies.
*3 Set as uniform target for all Panasonic Group operating companies.
*4 The amount of CO2 emissions reductions achieved for our customers and society as a result of the introduction of our products, compared to the baseline level where no products were introduced.
*5 Factories that have achieved virtually zero CO2 emissions by conserving energy, introducing renewable energy, and using credits.
*6 CO2 emissions per unit of battery capacity produced at the North American factory.
*7 Percentage of electricity, fuel, etc. used by Panasonic Energy that is derived from renewable energy sources (includes certificates, credits, and other externally procured items)
*8 Metric expressed by multiplying the “hazardousness factor,” which expresses the weight of harmfulness as independently determined by the Panasonic Group for chemical substances, by “release and transfer amount. ”


Employee Demographics

Total number of employees (consolidated)ConsolidatedEmployees18,71619,036
 By job functionIndrirectConsolidated%39.845.8
Direct manufacturingConsolidated%60.254.2
By regionJapanConsolidated%27.530.1
China/Northeast AsiaConsolidated%18.016.4
Southeast AsiaConsolidated%19.217.0
North AmericaConsolidated%27.923.9
Central and South AmericaConsolidated%2.27.6
Total number of employees (in Japan)Consolidated(domestic)Employees4,7335,1455,727
 By job functionIndrirectConsolidated(domestic)%71.973.773.6
Direct manufacturingConsolidated(domestic)%28.126.326.4
By age group29 years of age or underConsolidated(domestic)%6.38.713.3
30-39 years of ageConsolidated(domestic)%18.819.219.9
40-49 years of ageConsolidated(domestic)%32.530.028.8
50-59 years of ageConsolidated(domestic)%38.036.333.1
60 years of age or overConsolidated(domestic)%
Employees with no fixed term of employmentConsolidated(domestic)%95.493.692.5
Employees (contract employees and other fixed-term employees)Consolidated(domestic)%
Percentage of people with disabilities employedConsolidated(domestic)%
Total number of temporary staffConsolidated(domestic)Employees1,5111,338

Managerial Positions

Percentage of employees in managerial positions*9FemaleConsolidated%17.017.717.7

Recruitment / Turnover

Number of employees recruited (new graduates)FemaleConsolidated (domestic)Employees10725
MaleConsolidated (domestic)Employees2554133
Number of employees hired (mid-career)FemaleConsolidated (domestic)Employees162552
MaleConsolidated (domestic)Employees99200369
Turnover rate*10Consolidated (domestic)%
Average years of continuous serviceFemaleNon-consolidatedYear21.218.1

Work Style

Employee engagementConsolidated (domestic)pt697070
Average amount of overtime work per monthNon-consolidatedTime/Employees18 hrs. 6min.19 hrs. 21min.
Average number of days of annual paid leave takenNon-consolidatedDays17.017.8
Average rate of annual paid leave takenNon-consolidated%71.773.3
Rate of childcare leave takenFemaleConsolidated (domestic)%100100
MaleConsolidated (domestic)%56.258
Rate of those who returned to work after childcare leaveFemaleConsolidated (domestic)%100100
MaleConsolidated (domestic)%100100


Gender pay gap*11OverallConsolidated (domestic)-75.978.9
Regular employeesConsolidated (domestic)-75.780.4
Non-regular employeesConsolidated (domestic)-61.474.2
Ratio of the annual total compensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual to the median annual total compensation for all employeesConsolidated (domestic)-6.37.8

Occupational Health and safety

Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuryConsolidatedEmployees000
Number of recordable work-related injuriesConsolidatedEmployees168144107
Consolidated (domestic)Employees122021
Number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill healthConsolidatedEmployees000
Number of cases of recordable work-related ill healthConsolidatedCases11103
Number of work-related contractor fatalitiesConsolidated (domestic)Employees000
Number of industrial incidents resulting in lost workdaysConsolidated (domestic)Cases265
Number of sites that received OHSAS 18001 (ISO 45001) certificationConsolidated (domestic)Sites101011
Number of employees who received training in health and safety standardsConsolidated (domestic)Employees4,9295,4585,730
Lost time incident rateConsolidated (domestic)-
Intensity rateConsolidated (domestic)-
Rate of awareness of steps walked*12Consolidated (domestic)%60.568.760.4
Exercise rateConsolidated (domestic)%
Smoking rateConsolidated (domestic)%23.522.722.6
Obesity rate*13Consolidated (domestic)%32.331.128.7
Health management indexConsolidated (domestic)-52.555.7

Corporate Citizenship Activities

Spending on corporate citizenship activitiesConsolidated*14Yen343,4118,486,18823,728,150

Human Rights

Percentage of employees who underwent training on human rights policyConsolidated (domestic)%100100100
Number of incidents of human rights violationsConsolidated (domestic)Cases000
Total number of incidents of discriminationConsolidated (domestic)Cases000
Total number of identified incidents of violations involving the rights of indigenous peoplesConsolidated (domestic)Cases000
Percentage of total employees eligible for collective bargainingConsolidated (domestic)%82.881.179.9


Percentage of existing suppliers who carry out risk assessments related to environmentConsolidated*15%100100100
Percentage of existing suppliers who carry out risk assessments related to human rights, etc.Consolidated*15%100100100
Percentage of suppliers who undergo monitoring or audits with regard to human rights, etc.Consolidated*15%100100100
Ratio of assurance provided by conducting CSR audits of tier 1 suppliers*16Consolidated%10
Ratio of tier 1 suppliers with an A-rank CSR self-assessmentConsolidated*15%7781
Written CSR consent acquisition rate from tier 1 suppliersConsolidated*15%4662
CMRT/EMRT collection rateConsolidated*15%9899
Utilization ratio of conformant/active smeltersConsolidated*15%8282

*9 Non-consolidated figures are as of April 1 of the following fiscal year.
*10 The number of those leaving the Group per year divided by the annual average number of employees
*11 Average wages for women ÷ Average wages for men
*12 Percentage of people who are generally aware of how many steps they take in a week
*13 Percentage of employees with BMI of 25 or higher
*14 Figures up to fiscal 2023 are consolidated (domestic), and from fiscal 2024 consolidated (all Panasonic Energy Group corporations excluding overseas sales companies)
*15 All Panasonic Energy Group corporations excluding overseas sales companies
*16 Physical and/or document-based implementation included


Employee Demographics

Total number of employees (consolidated)ConsolidatedEmployees18,71619,036
 By job functionIndrirectConsolidated%39.845.8
Direct manufacturingConsolidated%60.254.2
By regionJapanConsolidated%27.530.1
China/Northeast AsiaConsolidated%18.016.4
Southeast AsiaConsolidated%19.217.0
North AmericaConsolidated%27.923.9
Central and South AmericaConsolidated%2.27.6
Total number of employees (in Japan)Consolidated(domestic)Employees4,7335,1455,727
 By job functionIndrirectConsolidated(domestic)%71.973.773.6
Direct manufacturingConsolidated(domestic)%28.126.326.4
By age group29 years of age or underConsolidated(domestic)%6.38.713.3
30-39 years of ageConsolidated(domestic)%18.819.219.9
40-49 years of ageConsolidated(domestic)%32.530.028.8
50-59 years of ageConsolidated(domestic)%38.036.333.1
60 years of age or overConsolidated(domestic)%
Employees with no fixed term of employmentConsolidated(domestic)%95.493.692.5
Employees (contract employees and other fixed-term employees)Consolidated(domestic)%
Percentage of people with disabilities employedConsolidated(domestic)%
Total number of temporary staffConsolidated(domestic)Employees1,5111,338

Managerial Positions

Percentage of employees in managerial positions*9FemaleConsolidated%17.017.717.7

Recruitment / Turnover

Number of employees recruited (new graduates)FemaleConsolidated (domestic)Employees10725
MaleConsolidated (domestic)Employees2554133
Number of employees hired (mid-career)FemaleConsolidated (domestic)Employees162552
MaleConsolidated (domestic)Employees99200369
Turnover rate*10Consolidated (domestic)%
Average years of continuous serviceFemaleNon-consolidatedYear21.218.1

Work Style

Employee engagementConsolidated (domestic)pt697070
Average amount of overtime work per monthNon-consolidatedTime/Employees18 hrs. 6min.19 hrs. 21min.
Average number of days of annual paid leave takenNon-consolidatedDays17.017.8
Average rate of annual paid leave takenNon-consolidated%71.773.3
Rate of childcare leave takenFemaleConsolidated (domestic)%100100
MaleConsolidated (domestic)%56.258
Rate of those who returned to work after childcare leaveFemaleConsolidated (domestic)%100100
MaleConsolidated (domestic)%100100


Gender pay gap*11OverallConsolidated (domestic)-75.978.9
Regular employeesConsolidated (domestic)-75.780.4
Non-regular employeesConsolidated (domestic)-61.474.2
Ratio of the annual total compensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual to the median annual total compensation for all employeesConsolidated (domestic)-6.37.8

Occupational Health and safety

Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuryConsolidatedEmployees000
Number of recordable work-related injuriesConsolidatedEmployees168144107
Consolidated (domestic)Employees122021
Number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill healthConsolidatedEmployees000
Number of cases of recordable work-related ill healthConsolidatedCases11103
Number of work-related contractor fatalitiesConsolidated (domestic)Employees000
Number of industrial incidents resulting in lost workdaysConsolidated (domestic)Cases265
Number of sites that received OHSAS 18001 (ISO 45001) certificationConsolidated (domestic)Sites101011
Number of employees who received training in health and safety standardsConsolidated (domestic)Employees4,9295,4585,730
Lost time incident rateConsolidated (domestic)-
Intensity rateConsolidated (domestic)-
Rate of awareness of steps walked*12Consolidated (domestic)%60.568.760.4
Exercise rateConsolidated (domestic)%
Smoking rateConsolidated (domestic)%23.522.722.6
Obesity rate*13Consolidated (domestic)%32.331.128.7
Health management indexConsolidated (domestic)-52.555.7

Corporate Citizenship Activities

Spending on corporate citizenship activitiesConsolidated*14Yen343,4118,486,18823,728,150

Human Rights

Percentage of employees who underwent training on human rights policyConsolidated (domestic)%100100100
Number of incidents of human rights violationsConsolidated (domestic)Cases000
Total number of incidents of discriminationConsolidated (domestic)Cases000
Total number of identified incidents of violations involving the rights of indigenous peoplesConsolidated (domestic)Cases000
Percentage of total employees eligible for collective bargainingConsolidated (domestic)%82.881.179.9


Percentage of existing suppliers who carry out risk assessments related to environmentConsolidated*15%100100100
Percentage of existing suppliers who carry out risk assessments related to human rights, etc.Consolidated*15%100100100
Percentage of suppliers who undergo monitoring or audits with regard to human rights, etc.Consolidated*15%100100100
Ratio of assurance provided by conducting CSR audits of tier 1 suppliers*16Consolidated%10
Ratio of tier 1 suppliers with an A-rank CSR self-assessmentConsolidated*15%7781
Written CSR consent acquisition rate from tier 1 suppliersConsolidated*15%4662
CMRT/EMRT collection rateConsolidated*15%9899
Utilization ratio of conformant/active smeltersConsolidated*15%8282

*9 Non-consolidated figures are as of April 1 of the following fiscal year.
*10 The number of those leaving the Group per year divided by the annual average number of employees
*11 Average wages for women ÷ Average wages for men
*12 Percentage of people who are generally aware of how many steps they take in a week
*13 Percentage of employees with BMI of 25 or higher
*14 Figures up to fiscal 2023 are consolidated (domestic), and from fiscal 2024 consolidated (all Panasonic Energy Group corporations excluding overseas sales companies)
*15 All Panasonic Energy Group corporations excluding overseas sales companies
*16 Physical and/or document-based implementation included


Corporate Governance

Board meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes1816
Board of Directors meeting attendance rateNon-consolidated%98.9100
Audit & Supervisory Board meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes4240
Audit & Supervisory Board meetings attendance rateNon-consolidated%99100
Nomination and compensation advisory meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes33
Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee meeting attendance rateNon-consolidated%100100
Frequency of reviews conducted by highest governance body with regard to economic, environmental and social matters, their impact, risks and opportunitiesNon-consolidatedTimes11

Compliance / Risk Management

Compliance committee meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes712
ERM committee meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes22
Number of occurrences of cases involving serious compliance violationsConsolidated*17Cases000


Percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruptionConsolidated*17%100
Percentage of governance body members who underwent training on the organization’s anti-corruptionConsolidated*17%100
Percentage of employees who underwent training on the organization’s anti-corruptionConsolidated*17%100100100
Total number of confirmed incidents of corruptionConsolidated*17Cases000

Information Security

Total number of identified leaks, thefts, or losses of customer dataConsolidated*18Cases000
Number of information security incidentsConsolidated*18Cases922
Total number of substantiated complaints received concerning breaches of customer privacyConsolidated*18Cases000

*17 All Panasonic Energy Group corporations excluding overseas sales companies
*18 All Panasonic Energy Group corporations excluding overseas sales companies, and PANASONIC DO BRASIL

Panasonic Energy Group (Total: 21 companies; as of March 2024)

Notation in scope columnConsolidated subsidiaries (domestic)Panasonic Energy Kaizuka, Panasonic Energy Higashiura, Panasonic Energy Nandan
Consolidated subsidiaries (overseas)Panasonic Centroamericana, Panasonic Energy (Wuxi), Panasonic Energy (Suzhou), Panasonic Energy Mexico, Panasonic Energy Corporation of America, Panasonic do Brasil, Panasonic Energy India, Panasonic Energy (Thailand), Panasonic Gobel Energy Indonesia, Panasonic Carbon India, Panasonic Energy of North America,Panasonic Industry Europe, Panasonic Industry(China), Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America, Panasonic Industry Sales Asia Pacific, Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Taiwan, Panasonic Hong Kong
Sales companiesPanasonic Industry Europe, Panasonic Industry(China), Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America, Panasonic Industry Sales Asia Pacific, Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Taiwan, Panasonic Hong Kong


Corporate Governance

Board meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes1816
Board of Directors meeting attendance rateNon-consolidated%98.9100
Audit & Supervisory Board meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes4240
Audit & Supervisory Board meetings attendance rateNon-consolidated%99100
Nomination and compensation advisory meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes33
Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee meeting attendance rateNon-consolidated%100100
Frequency of reviews conducted by highest governance body with regard to economic, environmental and social matters, their impact, risks and opportunitiesNon-consolidatedTimes11

Compliance / Risk Management

Compliance committee meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes712
ERM committee meetings held(in number)Non-consolidatedTimes22
Number of occurrences of cases involving serious compliance violationsConsolidated*17Cases000


Percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruptionConsolidated*17%100
Percentage of governance body members who underwent training on the organization’s anti-corruptionConsolidated*17%100
Percentage of employees who underwent training on the organization’s anti-corruptionConsolidated*17%100100100
Total number of confirmed incidents of corruptionConsolidated*17Cases000

Information Security

Total number of identified leaks, thefts, or losses of customer dataConsolidated*18Cases000
Number of information security incidentsConsolidated*18Cases922
Total number of substantiated complaints received concerning breaches of customer privacyConsolidated*18Cases000

*17 All Panasonic Energy Group corporations excluding overseas sales companies
*18 All Panasonic Energy Group corporations excluding overseas sales companies, and PANASONIC DO BRASIL

Panasonic Energy Group (Total: 21 companies; as of March 2024)

Notation in scope column

Consolidated subsidiaries (domestic)

Panasonic Energy Kaizuka, Panasonic Energy Higashiura, Panasonic Energy Nandan

Consolidated subsidiaries (overseas)

Panasonic Centroamericana, Panasonic Energy (Wuxi), Panasonic Energy (Suzhou), Panasonic Energy Mexico, Panasonic Energy Corporation of America, Panasonic do Brasil, Panasonic Energy India, Panasonic Energy (Thailand), Panasonic Gobel Energy Indonesia, Panasonic Carbon India, Panasonic Energy of North America,Panasonic Industry Europe, Panasonic Industry(China), Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America, Panasonic Industry Sales Asia Pacific, Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Taiwan, Panasonic Hong Kong

Sales companies

Panasonic Industry Europe, Panasonic Industry(China), Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America, Panasonic Industry Sales Asia Pacific, Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Taiwan, Panasonic Hong Kong