
The Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group describes the ideas and action guidelines that are important to us in carrying out our business activities while practicing compliance, such as ensuring social justice, realizing co-existence and mutual prosperity with our stakeholders, respecting diversity, contributing to ensuring harmony with the environment, and fulfilling our corporate social responsibility. We believe it is important not only to comply with laws and social morality, but also to always think about what is right for society from selfless motives and act with integrity and fairness. In accordance with the Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group, we carry out fair business practices in all situations based on the belief that compliance is the foundation of our business activities, and fulfill our Mission of “achieving a society in which the pursuit of happiness and a sustainable environment are harmonized free of conflict.”


The Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group describes the ideas and action guidelines that are important to us in carrying out our business activities while practicing compliance, such as ensuring social justice, realizing co-existence and mutual prosperity with our stakeholders, respecting diversity, contributing to ensuring harmony with the environment, and fulfilling our corporate social responsibility. We believe it is important not only to comply with laws and social morality, but also to always think about what is right for society from selfless motives and act with integrity and fairness. In accordance with the Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group, we carry out fair business practices in all situations based on the belief that compliance is the foundation of our business activities, and fulfill our Mission of “achieving a society in which the pursuit of happiness and a sustainable environment are harmonized free of conflict.”

Compliance system

The Panasonic Energy Group ensures the legality of the execution of duties by officers, employees, and others by thoroughly promoting compliance awareness, implementing initiatives in accordance with the policy, and establishing an effective governance system, including an appropriate monitoring system. Furthermore, we have established a system that ensures effective auditing by having Audit & Supervisory Board members collaborate with the accounting auditor and internal auditing departments in accordance with the Audit Plan formulated annually.

Compliance system

The Panasonic Energy Group ensures the legality of the execution of duties by officers, employees, and others by thoroughly promoting compliance awareness, implementing initiatives in accordance with the policy, and establishing an effective governance system, including an appropriate monitoring system. Furthermore, we have established a system that ensures effective auditing by having Audit & Supervisory Board members collaborate with the accounting auditor and internal auditing departments in accordance with the Audit Plan formulated annually.

Details of initiatives

Promoting understanding of the Code of Ethics & Compliance

The Panasonic Group Code of Ethics & Compliance embodies the Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group and defines the commitments that each Panasonic Group company must fulfill, the responsibilities that all employees must fulfill, and the additional responsibilities that all officers and organization leaders must assume with respect to the organizations for which they are responsible, which are essential for carrying out our business activities while ensuring compliance.

To ensure that this Code is understood and instilled, we conduct a variety of compliance-related training programs for all global employees. Compliance-related content is incorporated in new employee training, training for newly appointed employees and other rank-specific training, training for employees assigned overseas, and other training programs. We also provide risk-based, field-specific compliance training, including anti-cartel and anti-bribery training, security export control training, etc., as needed. In particular, we designate September of each year as “Compliance Month” to provide an opportunity to reflect on the importance of compliance. We have also begun holding anti-fraud management training for organizational leaders to provide them with opportunities to learn what role they should play in creating a fraud-free organization. We will continue to implement initiatives to raise awareness and knowledge of compliance.

Operation of various committees

We have established a various committees system to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, including the Compliance Committee, the Trade Compliance Committee, and the Subcontract Act Compliance Committee. Through these committee activities, we ensure the thorough implementation of our policies, share information on incidents, laterally deploy measures to prevent recurrence, and conduct education and awareness-raising activities.

Effective operation of the whistleblowing system

We have established a global hotline (EARS) as a communication channel for both internal and external parties to report and consult on suspected misconduct. All reports received by EARS are properly investigated in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations, and feedback is provided to the whistleblower. In addition, a response system is in place, which is designed to ensure prompt escalation to the Compliance Committee and senior management as necessary. Whistleblowers can report anonymously to EARS. Retaliation against whistleblowers is clearly prohibited in our internal rules and regulations and is communicated to all employees, providing an environment where whistleblowers can secure psychological safety upon reporting incidents.

Number of reports*

Graph showing the number of whistleblower cases: 26 in the first half of FY2022 and 41 in the second half; 45 in the first half of 2023 and 61 in the second half; 46 in the first half of 2024 and 47 in the second half.

* : For fiscal 2024, the standard applied until fiscal 2023 has been changed. Cases reported to EARS and the Equal Partnership Consultation Office were counted.

 There were no significant legal or compliance violations in fiscal 2024. We will continue working to prevent legal and compliance violations from occurring going forward.

Compliance with laws and regulations in the supply chain

In response to the international security situation and increasing social demands on human rights issues, policies, laws and regulations in various countries and regions are growing and becoming more complex than ever before. By monitoring these policies and regulations globally, the Company strives to understand their impact on its business and respond in a timely manner. In particular, with respect to policies and regulations that may affect the entire supply chain, the Legal and Procurement divisions play a central role in establishing a company-wide compliance system, reporting to the Board of Directors and the Management Meeting as appropriate, and determining how to respond.

Details of initiatives

Promoting understanding of the Code of Ethics & Compliance

The Panasonic Group Code of Ethics & Compliance embodies the Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group and defines the commitments that each Panasonic Group company must fulfill, the responsibilities that all employees must fulfill, and the additional responsibilities that all officers and organization leaders must assume with respect to the organizations for which they are responsible, which are essential for carrying out our business activities while ensuring compliance.

To ensure that this Code is understood and instilled, we conduct a variety of compliance-related training programs for all global employees. Compliance-related content is incorporated in new employee training, training for newly appointed employees and other rank-specific training, training for employees assigned overseas, and other training programs. We also provide risk-based, field-specific compliance training, including anti-cartel and anti-bribery training, security export control training, etc., as needed. In particular, we designate September of each year as “Compliance Month” to provide an opportunity to reflect on the importance of compliance. We have also begun holding anti-fraud management training for organizational leaders to provide them with opportunities to learn what role they should play in creating a fraud-free organization. We will continue to implement initiatives to raise awareness and knowledge of compliance.

Operation of various committees

We have established a various committees system to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, including the Compliance Committee, the Trade Compliance Committee, and the Subcontract Act Compliance Committee. Through these committee activities, we ensure the thorough implementation of our policies, share information on incidents, laterally deploy measures to prevent recurrence, and conduct education and awareness-raising activities.

Effective operation of the whistleblowing system

We have established a global hotline (EARS) as a communication channel for both internal and external parties to report and consult on suspected misconduct. All reports received by EARS are properly investigated in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations, and feedback is provided to the whistleblower. In addition, a response system is in place, which is designed to ensure prompt escalation to the Compliance Committee and senior management as necessary. Whistleblowers can report anonymously to EARS. Retaliation against whistleblowers is clearly prohibited in our internal rules and regulations and is communicated to all employees, providing an environment where whistleblowers can secure psychological safety upon reporting incidents.

Number of reports*

Graph showing the number of whistleblower cases: 26 in the first half of FY2022 and 41 in the second half; 45 in the first half of 2023 and 61 in the second half; 46 in the first half of 2024 and 47 in the second half.

* : For fiscal 2024, the standard applied until fiscal 2023 has been changed. Cases reported to EARS and the Equal Partnership Consultation Office were counted.

 There were no significant legal or compliance violations in fiscal 2024. We will continue working to prevent legal and compliance violations from occurring going forward.

Compliance with laws and regulations in the supply chain

In response to the international security situation and increasing social demands on human rights issues, policies, laws and regulations in various countries and regions are growing and becoming more complex than ever before. By monitoring these policies and regulations globally, the Company strives to understand their impact on its business and respond in a timely manner. In particular, with respect to policies and regulations that may affect the entire supply chain, the Legal and Procurement divisions play a central role in establishing a company-wide compliance system, reporting to the Board of Directors and the Management Meeting as appropriate, and determining how to respond.