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Panasonic Beauty | Natural Beauty. Innovative Technology.
Drawing from the Essence of Japanese Beauty Principles, we celebrate diverse
beauty with innovation that enhances your natural radiance.
Beauty Lives within Everyone

Panasonic Beauty is inspired to unveil the inherent beauty in each individual,
empowering you to become your most attractive and authentic self.
Support by Science & Technology

Our technology enhances outer beauty through natural care, delivering
transformative beauty experiences with visible results.
Products used in this article

Enhances your daily hair care routine by reducing hair dryness and ensuring your hair, scalp, and skin are well-hydrated with every use.
Deep Navy
Mist Gray
S$ 399.00

Beautiful straight styles now take less time and last longer. And unique nanoe™ technology delivers moisture to hair for a shiny finish.

Double ions for beautiful hair and healthier scalp
S$ 199.00

Healthy, flawless, shiny hair with nanoe™
S$ 219.00

Experience naturally-healthy hair with nanoe™ technology. It improves hair condition and preserves moisture in your hair and scalp, all while you're blow-drying or styling.
Rouge pink
S$ 399.00

Easily and precisely trim the eyebrow and unwanted hair on face for flawless skin
Rouge Pink