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Better than Boiling "Water Quality Surveys with High-Performance Filters"

Proven to Have Superior Water Purification over Boiling by Research Institutions in Malaysia and Japan

Proven to Have Superior Water Purification over Boiling by Research Institutions in Malaysia and Japan

Tap water can contain impurities that cannot be sufficiently eliminated through boiling alone. Panasonic’s high-performance filter cartridge effectively removes these impurities, helping you live healthier through safer water.

Joint Research with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

In joint research conducted with Dr. Minhaz Farid Ahmed of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and former UKM professor Dr. Mazlin Mokhtar, Panasonic conducted tests to verify the water purification performance of its high-performance filter cartridge using Malaysian tap water. These tests found that Panasonic's high-performance filter cartridge removed four types of impurities and confirmed superior purification to that of boiling tap water.

*Verifying organization: Chemsain Konsultant Sdn Bhd


Results of Tests Conducted in Two Areas of High Water Pollution


In the Kelantan region, known for its low water quality, Panasonic’s highperformance filter cartridge demonstrated excellent performance in removing all four types of impurities. It was confirmed that the filter cartridge was more effective than boiling for free residual chlorine, manganese, and iron (Fe).



In the Perlis region as well, where the concentrations of the four impurities in the tap water were relatively high, Panasonic’s high-performance filter cartridge demonstrated excellent performance in removing all four types. It was confirmed that the filter cartridge was more effective than boiling for free residual chlorine, manganese, and iron (Fe).

Proven to Have Superior Water Purification over Boiling by Research Institutions in Malaysia and Japan

It was verified that at the six regions across Malaysia, filtering tap water through the company's filter cartridge showed better performance in removing the four types of impurities compared to boiling the tap water. In addition, the filter cartridge can prevent high concentrations of heavy metals caused by water evaporation during boiling.

Comment from Dr. Minhaz

“Three types of Panasonic's drinking water filtration systems (TK-AS500, TK-AS700, TK-CJ300) showed better performance, based on one sampling at six states in Malaysia, in removing free chlorine, iron, manganese, and chloroform from tap water than boiling the tap water at the household level. This research aligns with WST2040 (Malaysian Water Sector Transformation 2040), and the results will contribute to ensuring a safe drinking water supply at the household level in Malaysia. We hope that Panasonic will continue to work effectively to help Malaysia safeguard drinking water quality for all residents.” 

Comment from Dr. Minhaz

Specifications of Verified Models

Product name

Alkaline Ionizer

Alkaline Ionizer

Faucet Water Purifier

Model number

Cartridge model number




Filter material of hollow fiber membrane

Ultra Filtration

Micro Filtration

Micro Filtration

Confirmed More Effective than Boiling in Japan as Well

Comparative testing of tap water, boiled water, and purified water using the Panasonic MF cartridge (MicroClear MF) was conducted at the Hyogo Analysis Center. The test results proved that the Panasonic MF cartridge delivers superior performance over boiling water in removing four categories of impurities: Trihalomethane, turbidity, residual chlorine, and bacteria. 

Verification results by Hyogo Analysis Center

Simply boiling water does not sufficiently remove trihalomethane—a carcinogen, iron from pipes, unpleasant chlorine odors, or bacteria as small as 0.1 micrometers. Our unique highly adsorbed activated carbon and hollow fiber membrane technologies remove these unnecessary substances from water more effectively.

*Testing laboratory: Hyogo Analysis Center

Verification results by Hyogo Analysis Center

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