Complete Your Relaxation Experience

Aerial Yoga relieves pressure on the spine and neck allowing you to bend and stretch your body freely. But there is one part of your body that you can not stretch: your eyes. Here we share you some tips to relax your eyes.

1. Close your eyes tightly and open them again a few times to relax them.

2. While your eyes are closed, rub them in a circular motion gently (Wash your hands before this step please).

3. Rinse your eyes with cool water. The cold water should soothe and relax your eyes.

4. Relax your eyes with warm steam, a great way to relax and invigorate yourself for the day ahead. Panasonic Eye Warming Massager is ideal for easing tired and strained eyes. Its comfortable steam and massage functions effectively relieve eye fatigue.


Tags :  Health , Panasonic Products