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Mix, crush, puree, and emulsify food and drinkswith powerful and durable blades
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1.5 L Glass Jug BlenderMX-EG5311KSC
1.5 Liter / Stainless Steel Saber Blades / Glass Jug / Dry Mill / Simple, Modern, Stable Design
700 W Glass Jug BlenderMX-MG5351WSC
Ultimate PowerBlade / Powerful circulation by V&M Technology / Powerful 700 W motor / Wet & Dry Mill (glass mill) / Speed control for various recipes / Glass jug container
2.0 L Powerful BlenderMX-V310
2.0 L/ Ultimate Power Blend/ 11,000 RPM/ Accessories: Multi Mill (Glass)/ T-shape Scraper/ Body Color: Black and White/ Jug: Glass
1.5 L 2-in-1 BlenderMX-GX1561
1.5 L/ Built-in Circuit Breaker/ Safety Switch/ Options for 2 Speed + 1 Pulse / Mill Attachment/ Body Color: White/ Jug: Glass
1.5 L 2-in-1 BlenderMX-GX1511
1.5 L/ Built-in Circuit Breaker/ Safety Switch/ Options for 2 Speed + 1 Pulse / Mill Attachment/ Body Color: White/ Jug: Plastic