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Based on Panasonic’s unique technology development abilities, production technology, and global supply chain, the company has achieved and maintained a major share of the global lithium-ion battery market. Offering an extensive lineup of lithium-ion batteries ranging from small
applications such as consumer batteries for laptop computers, to larger applications such as the batteries used in environmental vehicles,
Panasonic is a leading company in battery technology for various applications.
In addition, Panasonic is a leader in the development and production of photovoltaic modules. Now, based on this foundation, Panasonic has
entered the market for Smart Energy Storage Systems, adding a fourth key product area to already established presence in photovoltaic modules,
rechargeable batteries, and batteries for electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Looking forward to future expansion in the renewable
energy storage market, Panasonic will use its leading Smart Energy Storage System to maximize customer satisfaction with “coordination and
integration” technologies actively tailored to meet customer needs.
"HIT" is a registered trademark of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
The name "HIT" comes from "Heterojunction with intrinsic Thin-layer" which is an original technology of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
As utility companies begin the large-scale introduction of renewable energy to the grid, Smart Energy Storage Systems will become a key component. This is because renewable energy sources can cause instability with fluctuations in the power they produce. Acting as a stabilizer for renew-able energy, the Smart Energy Storage Systems will serve as an energy storage source and play a critical role in the low-carbon society of the future.
Comprised of storage batteries and control units to manage charging and discharging, Panasonic’s Smart Energy Storage System is suitable for various applications (e.g. Residential Energy Storage, Community Energy Storage, Utility scale ancillary services, etc.). Through the unique control method and know-how of managing energy storage, the system can control systems with over 1,000 storage batteries as part of a 1-MWh or greater system.
Fluctuating power and severe output changes from wind and solar energy sources can be stabilized with energy storage, providing high quality power to the grid.
(Community energy storage)
In the power storage building at the Kasai Green Energy Park, there are more than 800 standard battery modules, each with an output of 1.6kWh. Panasonic has developed one of the world's top level power systems with the Lithium Mega Storage System at the site. Efficiently controlled energy generated from photovoltaic modules, as well as energy provided through off-peak, late-night grid power stored in these storage batteries, is utilized through optimal energy management.
● Average peak shaving rate is 17% in Peak hour of electricity demand (13:00 ~ 16:00)
● Annual utility charge reduction effect (preliminary calculation) is about 3.5 million yen
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