Panasonic Smart Factory Solutions India (PSFSIN) is a division company of Panasonic Life Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. It has its corporate office at Gurgaon and a modern factory at Technopark, Jhajjar in Haryana. PSFSIN has market leadership in India and provides 3 categories of products and solutions to Indian industry-

Panasonic Smart Factory Solutions India, Factory – Jhajjar (Haryana)
Welding Equipment and Robot

PSFSIN is a leading provider of Welding Equipment and Robots in India. With regard to welding machines, we provide MMA (Manual Metal Arc), MIG (Metal Inert Gas) /MAG (Metal Active Gas) and TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) machines along with a range of welding accessories. PSFSIN has been supplying welding machines to range of industries like Automotive, Construction Equipment, Railways, M&HCV (Medium and heavy commercial vehicle), Process Industry, Ship building, Plant Erection, Infrastructure Projects to name a few. Our Welding Robot in particular is our speciality as it incorporates both power source, controller & manipulator. This gives the customer a choice to buy compact solution hardware in a single window for future needs, for training and for post-sale services. In fact, our Tawers model robot are the most preferred robots in India. PSFSIN also provides total robotic welding system solutions. We work with our customers closely to provide them innovative products, related software and trainings in order to increase their productivity.
SMT (surface mount technology) component placement systems

PSFSIN provides customers with latest technology-enabled SMT (Surface mount technology) machines ensuring high speeds, high precision, placing broad range of electronic components like capacitors, resistors, integrated circuits onto the PCB’s which in-turn are used in Mobile phones, telecommunication equipment, computer & laptop, industrial, medical and automotive equipment. PSFSIN has been maintaining its leadership in Indian market offering the following solutions across the SMT division:
- Total SMT line equipment – ILNB- Integrated line network box, Board handling Equipment, Laser marker, Solder Paste Printer, SPI- Solder paste inspection machine, Pick and Place Machines, AOI- Automatic optical inspection machine, Reflow oven.
- Final assembly test and Odd shape component equipment- Parallel link robot, Laser marking machine, Axial insertion machine, Radial insertion machine.
- ME (Micro Electronics) assembly systems- Plasma cleaner, Die bonder, Flipchip bonder, COG-Chip on glass/FOB- flexible PCB on glass.
Digital Factory Solution

PSFSIN enables customers to advance from traditional manufacturing and industrial practices to latest Smart Manufacturing technologies. PSFSIN uses new-age technologies such as Machine to Machine communication and Internet of Things for increased automation, improved communication and self-monitoring that helps analyse issues without the need of human intervention. Following tools are offered to customers-
- Pana CIM- Complete traceability solutions for plants- Material verification, Traceability, Maintenance, Enterprise link, Product monitoring and despatch, Product changeover and control, Material control and Process tracker.
- IWNB - IWNB (Integrated welding network Box) a function which collects, records, and analyses data for welding robots data capturing automatically, data visualization and analytics. With IWNB the customers can get traceability data and improve the productivity and quality in your factory.
- Weld data management- This solution helps to improve Welding Machine Utilization, Quality and Reduce Operational cost, also can Monitor Solution Features, where user can Maximize production by monitoring and Improving OEE, and Reduction in Machine Downtime by Predictive Maintenance.
- PMS- (Production Management system) Robot real time monitoring software for product management, the status of robot operation including running /stopped, arc welding waveform, results of welding quality monitor can be checked from outside of production line by real time . In progress of production and robot operating ratio can be monitored effective for analyzing and improving the production efficiency. Effective for quick action to unexpected error.

Management Message:
Dear valued customers and business partners
Thank you for extending your continued support.
The Indian manufacturing industry is witnessing a steady growth in line with “Make in India” initiative. This initiative has not only resulted in better demand for welding and SMT Equipment but also encouraged the industry towards innovation and helped, migrate from traditional way of manufacturing to “Smart manufacturing”. To embrace these changes, the customers need Smart Factory solutions implementation starting from “Machine-Level” to “Line-Level” to “Floor-Level” to “Whole-Factory-Level”.
Panasonic Smart Factory Solutions is one of the leading manufacturers that offers smart, connected, customizable end to end manufacturing solutions that can help boost operational efficiency, increase visibility, and further enable your Industry 4.0 digitization initiatives. We have an array of products and solutions in the form of SMT(PCBA) Equipment’s, Welding m/c & Robots and digital solutions to address your manufacturing needs, increase efficiency and drive growth.
Lastly, I completely resonate with the voice of our founder, Konosuke Matsushita’s ‘Customer-First’ philosophy that states, “if one only looks at business from the outside, it seems to be just the sale of goods in exchange for payment, but then, that is no different from a vending machine. I believe that the true, ideal nature of business lies in gratitude, in recognizing the value of our customers and appreciating it when they purchase our products.”
Thank you for your continued trust and, as always we will continue to deliver our best of services at all times.
Best Regards
Tsutomu Naito
Managing Director
Panasonic Smart Factory Solutions India
Skill Development and Technical Training:

PSFSIN works closely with its customers and endeavours to improve productivity with the help of skill upgrade and implementation of latest technology. It has a state-of-the-art welding training centre at Technopark, Jhajjar (near Gurgaon), Haryana. We conduct multiple training programs for our customers across training institutes at the same time provide on-site training too.
PSFSIN works with many NPO’s(Non profit organisation )like CII(Confederation of Indian Industry), ACMA(The Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India) and Skill ministry MSDE(Ministry for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship ) and Technical training institutes like ATI’s (Advanced training institute )and ITI’s (Industrial Training Institutes)to upgrade skills and drive awareness about latest technologies in order to improve the competitive advantage of Indian manufacturing industry.
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