Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy

Established on April 1, 2022

In accordance with the Panasonic Group's Basic Business Philosophy, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd. ("we") is committed to protecting personal information pursuant to the policy stated below, recognizing that in order to ensure customer satisfaction and trust regarding our products and services, it is important to properly protect and handle personal information regarding customers, trading partners, and other stakeholders.

1. Systems for protecting personal information
We will keep our officers and employees etc. continuously aware of the importance of protecting personal information, and establish and maintain management systems regarding the protection of personal information. We have also established internal rules regarding the handling of personal information in order to properly manage personal information, and we are committed to the continuous improvement of the rules.

2. Acquisition and use of personal information
When acquiring personal information, we will do so by the fair and legal means required under applicable laws and regulations, including notifying or announcing the purposes of use and other legally prescribed matters or obtaining consent. Except as permitted under applicable laws and regulations, we will use acquired personal information within the scope of the purposes of use that have been previously notified or announced, or consented to.

3. Provision or disclosure to third parties
We will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties except with necessary prior consent or except as otherwise permitted under applicable laws and regulations. We may provide or disclose acquired personal information to our contractors to the extent necessary to fulfill the purposes of use. In this case, we will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure that personal information provided or disclosed to the contractors will be properly secured.

4. Security management
We will take the necessary and appropriate organizational, technical, and physical security management measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc. ("incident"). If any problem is found with regard to the security management measures, we will identify the causes and take corrective action.

5. Establishment of incident response systems and handling of incidents
We will establish incident reporting and response systems so that we can minimize damage that may arise upon the occurrence of incidents regarding the handling of personal information, and in the event of an incident, we will take action to investigate the causes and prevent recurrence.

6. Compliance with laws and regulations
We will comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other norms relevant to the protection of personal information that we handle or are responsible for, and endeavor to continuously improve and upgrade these measures for the protection of personal information in response to the revision of the laws and regulations.

7. Responses to inquiries
We will respect the rights of individuals regarding their personal information, and if we receive any disclosure, correction, or other requests regarding the handling of personal information from the subjects of information, we will respond promptly and properly in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.

Mototsugu Sato, President
Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd.

Any changes regarding this Policy will be announced on our website.