
We are responsible for the implementation of governance for the Panasonic Group, support the establishment of governance systems in operating companies, and also support the resolution of issues in specialized fields and provide high value-added solutions with agility by using digital technologies aiming to ensure that business divisions enhance competitiveness and contribute to society.

We provide a wide range of support including the development of human resources strategies and the design of systems required for employee success, employment and career support related to the acquisition and career development of diverse human resources, development of organizations and human resources that will bring out the abilities of individuals and organizations to the fullest and support growth, and advanced and efficient employee services.

By way of activities as a corporate citizen, we address social issues in ways that differ from our manufacturing and other core businesses and contribute to the enhancement of the Panasonic Group's corporate value.

The purpose of our sector is to protect licenses , assets, brands, and reputations, and maintain and improve corporate value based on sound and sustainable growth. With a high level of legal expertise, we will contribute to the promotion of highly transparent and sound business by providing legal affairs services, including compliance promotion.

We make practical brand strategy proposals based on the branding know-how accumulated by developing Panasonic into a brand popular with people from around the world.

We will transform the Panasonic Group's operations with our information systems and provide the highest value possible to customers, employees, and business partners.

As the window to the Panasonic Group, we are promoting government and external relations activities with the aim of enhancing the corporate value of the Panasonic Group and improve its business environment by establishing trusting relationships with stakeholders, making proposals on policies and technologies to relevant government agencies, industry organizations, etc. jointly with operating companies, and taking approaches to realize our proposals.

From the creation to the utilization of intellectual property, we will contribute to the creation and continual growth of businesses and the development of industries by calling upon high-level expertise and diverse knowledge, and providing intellectual property solutions that exceed customer expectations.

We support the enhancement of competitiveness and brand value of our customers by supporting operations related to quality, environment, and product regulations.

While partnering with our suppliers, we are supporting the Panasonic Group's manufacturing by ensuring the stable and timely supply of quality parts and materials required for production from the global market to factories around the world at reasonable prices.

In cooperation with business divisions, we provide solutions for streamlining logistics site operations from a frontline perspective and promote logistics innovations from a business standpoint by adopting logistics data analyses and digital technologies. We also support business activities related to the Panasonic Group's governance such as ensuring compliance with logistics and trade-related laws and regulations, including the customs act and green logistics.

By applying professional skills and qualifications, we provide one-stop services from the acquisition and sale of real estate, establishment of operating sites, construction of factories and offices to the operation and management of real estate.

As the window to our company, we will contribute to the establishment of management foundations by establishing a good relationship with society, maintaining credibility, and creating a bright, disciplined, and advanced corporate culture as well as a safe, comfortable, and efficient working environment.

We increase the probability of making rational decisions and contribute to the enhancement of customers' business values by visualizing complex business models and decision-making structures, and designing quantitative decision frames, which take risks into account.

We are creating new businesses that will lead to the resolution of social issues such as by developing and operating Sustainable Smart Towns (SST) using former factory sites, etc. and cooperating with leading companies. Furthermore, we are making efforts to create new businesses with industry-leading companies by conducting demonstration tests of next-generation mobility and developing state-of-the-art office solutions.