Special Care Facility Uguisunosato
Popular because it is clean and removes food odors
This facility, which provides care for the elderly, is focused on hygiene management and strictly controls the room temperature and humidity depending on the season. When we introduced the ziainoTM to our common room as an added measure, we noticed that not only the residents but also the staff were able to better maintain their physical condition compared to the previous year, which was something I was happy to report to our lead doctor. It is popular with families because it removes food odors. Another reason why we decided to start using the ziainoTM was the fact that it can be leased to include regular maintenance, which reduced the initial costs.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.
Products installed: ziaino™
No. of units installed: 4 units (F-JDJ50-W)
Prefecture: Miyagi Prefecture
Operator: Miyagi Fukushikai Social Welfare Corporation