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Pleasant dining environment with well-ventilated and safer air

Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya provides safe & comfortable dining experience
with nanoe™ X technology and a balanced ventilation system

Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya provides safe & comfortable dining experience with nanoe™ X technology and a balanced ventilation system

Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya
Location: Putrajaya, Malaysia
Client: Starbucks Malaysia

Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya adopted Panasonic’s air solution to keep indoor air cool and comfortable
as well as to promote a clean and healthy indoor space while ensuring balanced ventilation with fresh air
all day long.

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Challenge: Providing a Safe and Comfortable
Dining Experience for Customers

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a heightened awareness of indoor air quality.
To give their patrons an absolute assurance of their safety and a comfortable coffee experience, Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya looked into solutions to ensure indoor air is safe, and fresh with balanced ventilation.

Challenge: Providing a Safe and Comfortable Dining Experience for Customers

Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya.

Solutions & Technology Applied

Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya adopted Panasonic 4-way cassette air conditioner that provides 360° wide airflow to cool large spaces evenly. With its flat horizontal design, the 4-way cassette air conditioner fits neatly into the ceiling without affecting the aesthetic look of the cafe. It is also equipped with nanoe™ X to inhibit various pollutants for a pleasant dining atmosphere.

Panasonic nanoe™ X technology offers the benefits of hydroxyl radicals (also known as OH radicals) contained in water and has the capacity to inhibit bacteria, viruses, and other pollutants as well as deodorise odours. The nano-sized particles of nanoe™ X allow for deep penetration into soft furnishings like fabric, sofas, and carpets. nanoe™ technology is proven to effectively inhibit more than 99%* of novel coronavirus.

The installation of energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) in the premises provides balanced ventilation to supply optimal amounts of fresh air while exhausting stale air, moisture, and indoor pollutants. The simultaneous process of supplying and exhausting air allows heat and humidity to be exchanged, while the energy-efficient ventilation reduces air conditioning costs.

Solutions & Technology Applied

Panasonic 4-way cassette air conditioners equipped with nanoe™ X keep indoor air clean and safe for patrons.

Solutions & Technology Applied

Boosting diners’ confidence with Panasonic 24-hour nanoe™ X indoor air protection.

Solutions & Technology Applied

24-hour nanoe™ X protection label in Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya.

Solutions & Technology Applied

4-way cassette air conditioner equipped with nanoe™ X.

Solutions & Technology Applied

Air conditioner outdoor units installed at Starbucks Conezion Putrajaya.

Products installed:
Energy recovery ventilator (2 units)
4-way cassette air conditioner (10 units)

*Based on Panasonic verification test in collaboration with the Japan Textile Products Quality and Technology Center (QTEC), the virus titers of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and its four variants (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta) were compared in a 45-liter test space with and without exposure to nanoe™. As a result, the test confirmed an inhibitory effect of more than 99% on all five types of viruses after two hours of exposure. Note that the verification results are based on the test in a closed test environment and not in a space actually in use.

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See our solutions for quality air in the restaurant

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ERV Standard Series

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What’s nanoe™ X