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Silky Apple Pumpkin Soup

Silky Apple Pumpkin Soup

Made from fruits and vegetables high in dietary fiber, this soup is healthy and delicious.
Blend the high-fiber ingredients into a smooth texture by using a powerful blender.
The sourness of the apple balances perfectly with the sweetness of the pumpkin and onion.

Silky Apple Pumpkin Soup main image
Cooking Time20 minutes374kcal per servingDifficulty:Easy


  • 50gAvoid soft, juicy pears, which can make the tart soggy. Firmer pears will give the tart better texture.
  • 250gPumpkin
  • 150gApple
  • 0.5tbspVegetable Oil for Frying
  • 200gChicken Stock
  • 300gSoy Milk
  • Salt (A Pinch)
  • Pepper (A Pinch)
  • 5Almond for Garnish
  • Italian Parsley for Garnish (As desired)



Slice the onion. Peel the pumpkin and apple and cut them into 2-3 cm.


Heat up oil in a pan and fry the onion, pumpkin and apple. Once the onion becomes tender, add the chicken stock and soy milk, and continue boiling for about 10 mins.


Using the hand blender on High Speed, blend the ingredients from step 2 for about a minute, until the texture is smooth.


Season the soup with salt and pepper.


Coarsely crush the almonds and roughly chop the parsley.


Garnish with almonds and parsley. Top with finely diced (1/2 cm sized) apple pieces.

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