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Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”

Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”
Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”

“The Double Mineral and nanoe™ make hair smooth
and resilient against damage.”

“We damage our hair without knowing it by brushing, and from UV rays.

I treat this damage with special shampoos and conditioners, but this dryer helps prevent
damage caused by UV rays and brushing.

The Double Mineral and nanoe™ from this vent tighten cuticles to protect hair from everyday damage.”

Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”
Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”


“The cuticles remain tight and the hair stays straight and smooth like you want it after blow-drying.

Everyone uses a dryer, but getting beautiful hair during blow drying is a real bonus.

I hope everyone concerned about dry, brittle hair can experience this smoothness.”

Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”
Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”

Izumi Miwa

Japan Hair Care Meister/
Hair Stylist, LUCK, Japan

Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”
Izumi Wawa (Professional Voice) “Makes hair damage-resilient”

Products used in this article

*Inclusive of VAT Recommended price: 2799000.0 /vn/en/consumer/where-to-buy.html?L1=0500&L2=0501 false false EH-NA45RP645 EH-NA45RP645 false SHOP NOW


Sleek, Smooth, and Shiny Hair Effortlessly with nanoe™

  • Black
  • Rouge pink
EH-NA98-K645 EH-NA98RP645
Recommended price: 5,099,000 VND
*Inclusive of VAT
*Inclusive of VAT Recommended price: 5099000.0 /vn/en/consumer/where-to-buy.html?L1=0500&L2=0501 false false false SHOP NOW