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nanoe™ X

Bring Fresh Air To Everywhere
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“People will remember you for what you do, not what you say”

An Khang Contractor always respects and tries to do the best for the projects that we have. With passion for our work, we always strive and work hard to provide reasonable solutions for customers. Carrying the mission and core values for giving the best results: passion for creativity, friendliness, honesty, respect and dedication, we will be willing to do our best to bring satisfaction to customers who comes back again. An Khang Contractor not only brings customers satisfaction with the appearance but also is socially responsible when paying attention to air quality and the environment during project construction.

Recently, An Khang Contractor gave an interview at Kim Do Policity where the contractor is constructing. An Khang Contractor mentioned the benefits of fresh air that helps bring many values to life and people.

Bringing the best through the contractor role

Bringing the best through the contractor role

What are your requirement & goals when taking the mission to build Kim Do Policity? What is the most important thing for work?
When we received the task of completing the air conditioning system for Kim Do Policity urban area, we see the important goal of this project was the very high standards from the investors about air conditioning and air quality. Kim Do Policity wants to provide a working space with fresh air for employees and investors. Besides technical standards, aesthetics and project progress, quality is the top priority of An Khang contractor when participating in this project construction.

The challenges during implementing the project

The challenges during implementing the project

How do you feel after finishing a grand project like Kim Do Policity?
At first, we were very happy: Although at the time of receiving the project there were many difficulties in transportation and the supply chain of materials, we overcame barriers to coordinate smoothly with the investor to quickly complete the project on time. Even though we encountered many difficulties, when we completed the project, our emotions were mixed with joy and pride for having completed a large, quality project like Kim Do Policity.

What do you and investor want in this project?
Between An Khang Contractor and the investor, we have meetings to give opinions and agree on the process when implementing the Kim Do Policity project. We have found a common voice when we not only care about aesthetics and infrastructure but also the fresh air quality and the surrounding environment to bring quiet and comfortable to everyone work here.

Finding the perfect partner

Finding the perfect partner

What do you think about importance of air quality?
To improve the quality of life and working space, one of the necessary factors is air quality. Therefore, contractor An Khang expects to accompany with Panasonic to bring customers the best technology and air conditioning systems to serve the clean air needs of everyone at Kim Do Policity.

What is the installation process and system setting of a Panasonic air conditioning with nanoe™ X technology? What was your experiences when installing nanoe™ X technology?
Installing and constructing the nanoe™ X the company is very meticulous in the installation stages and temperature support when operating new features for us. Having access, and installation as soon as the product is launched, this is an advantage for our contractors to be able to deploy and introduce the installation of similar products. Panasonic is the perfect piece of the puzzle that we found to be able to accompany and create a successful project.

Benefits of nanoe™ X technology to air quality and life

Benefits of nanoe™ X technology to air quality and life

What benefits have you received from nanoe ™ X technology on air quality and life?
nanoe™ X technology helps inhibit odors and provides fresh air, giving people happy conversation moments or quiet and gentle moments of rest in each breath at meetings. From there, the quality of life and office space is improved by living and working in fresher, cleaner air, helping to protect respiratory health from dangerous bacteria agents.

The quality of air, health

What are the benefits of choosing Panasonic and using nanoe™ X technology for people in Kim Do Policity?
Panasonic is one of the leading air conditioning brands in Vietnam, not only with An Khang contractor but also with the investor - Hung Ngan Group, and the board of directors are also very impressed with Panasonic's products & the company's products. For high-end products like Kim Do Policity, they will choose the most advanced system - Panasonic. Panasonic and nanoe™ X technology have the ability to inhibit bacteria, viruses and allergens, ensuring maximum health for employees and residents and bringing peace of mind when living here.

What main benefits do you see when using Panasonic’s system with nanoe™ X technology?
After completing the Kim Do Policity project with Panasonic air conditioning system and nanoe™ X technology. Firstly, we are very assured to hand over the project because the atmosphere is always guaranteed to be fresh so that residents and employees are always comfortable when working or deciding to invest at Kim Do Policity. Next, the living environment is healthier to protect everyone's respiratory and immune systems from potential pathogens. Finally, the quality and living conditions of everyone are improved. Beside this project, we are also confident in consulting other investors on the product - beyond expectations we received positive feedback from other investors about this product. Personally, I have used Panasonic products and found nanoe™ X technology to be really effective. I hope more customers will support Panasonic.

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