LUMIX S9 täiskaadriline hübriidkaamera DC-S9

(DC-S9 + S-R28200)


LUMIX DC-S9H (komplekt koos S9-korpuse ja LUMIX S 28–200 mm / suumobjektiiviga F4–7,1)
Looge köitvat sisu otse uuest täiskaaderkaamerast LUMIX S9, mis on täis professionaalseid funktsioone, kuid ei nõua redigeerimisoskusi – alates jäädvustamisest ja lõpetades postitamisega kõigest 30 sekundiga.
* Värvide saadavus võib olenevalt riigist või piirkonnast erineda.
Suumi sisse
Suumi välja


Suhtlusvõrgu säravad fotod ja videod

Kompaktne välimus, suur andur

LUMIX S9 on väike ja kompaktne, kuid täis professionaalseid funktsioone. Täiskaaderanduriga annab see kaamera vapustavaid tulemusi isegi vähese valgusega tingimustes, võimaldades teil hõlpsalt jäädvustada kõrge eraldusvõimega videoid ja muljetavaldavaid fotosid.
Kompaktne välimus, suur andur

Kõrge eraldusvõimega 4K/6K videod

See kaamera sobib ideaalselt ka videote tegemiseks. Salvestage hingematvalt kauneid maastikke ja meeldejäävaid hetki, mida soovite kõrge kvaliteediga 4K/6K-s.
Kõrge eraldusvõimega 4K/6K videod

Paindlik raamimine (avatud värav)

Jäädvustage seda, mida vajate, ja kärpige seda, mida te ei vaja. Hankige kõik kuvasuhted ühest võttest. Kui soovite seda hiljem redigeerida, sobib uus MP4(Lite) režiimis 4K video suurepäraselt nutitelefoni ülekandmiseks. Kasutage lihtsalt LUMIX Labi rakendust, et kärpida seda soovitud kuvasuhtega.
Paindlik raamimine (avatud värav)

Keskenduge kiiretele objektidele

Phase Hybrid autofookus tagab teravad pildid nii liikumatute kui ka liikuvate objektidega. Video puhul tagab see, et objekt on alati fookuses, ükskõik kus kaadris.

Keskenduge kiiretele objektidele

Selged öövaatega fotod ja käes tehtud videod

Sihtige käest ja tabage märki igas olukorras. Võimas pildistabilisaator hoiab teie filmitud materjali sujuvana, olenemata olukorrast.
Selged öövaatega fotod ja käes tehtud videod

Allkirja eelseaded

Funktsioon REAL TIME LUT muudab teie sisu revolutsiooniliseks. Saate rakendada filmilikku välimust otse kaameras ilma aeganõudva monteerimiseta. Valige LUMIX Labi rakenduses paljude LUT-ide (signatuuri eelseadete) hulgast või looge kaameras kasutamiseks oma isiklik stiil.
Allkirja eelseaded

Rakendus LUMIX Lab

Siduge kaamera oma nutitelefoniga kolmes etapis ja saate ülikiire Wi-Fi ühendusega sisu sujuvalt nutitelefoni üle kanda. Samuti saate kärpida, reguleerida heledust, rakendada LUT-d (signatuureelseadistus) jpm.
*Pildistamisest postitamiseni 30 sekundiga: aeg kokku, mis kulub MP4(Lite) režiimis tehtud JPEG-foto või 5-sekundilise lühikese video ülekandmiseks iOS-i toega nutitelefoni, kasutades LUMIX LAB rakendust, sealhulgas video korral kärpimist ja sotsiaalmeediasse postitamist. Uuring viidi läbi Panasonicu standardite alusel. Tulemused võivad olenevalt võrgukeskkonnast erineda.
Rakendus LUMIX Lab

Pikem aku kasutusaeg

Kaameraga on kaasas aku DMW-BLK22. Kaamerat saate kasutada ka müügiloleva mobiiliaku ja USB Type-C kaabli toitel, tagades, et see on alati kasutusvalmis, kus iganes viibite.*
*Funktsiooni toimimiseks peab aku olema kaamerasse paigaldatud ja säilitama osa laengust.
Pikem aku kasutusaeg

Laiendatud suumivahemik

Crop Zoom / Hybrid Zoom laiendab nii fotode kui ka videote suumivahemikku. Hübriidsuum on optilise suumi ja kärpimissuumi kombinatsioon. See funktsioon võimaldab teil laiendada oma väljendamise valikut isegi siis, kui teil on kaasas vaid minimaalne varustus.
Laiendatud suumivahemik

Looge emotsionaalseid videoid

Avastage oma loovust aeglase ja kiire liikumise režiimidega, et jagada põnevaid aeglustatud videoid.
Looge emotsionaalseid videoid

Objektiivid, mis sobivad LUMIX S9-ga

LUMIX S 26 mm F8

Ideaalne spontaansete hetkede jäädvustamiseks. Õhuke ja kerge disain võimaldab objektiivi kinnitada nagu läätsekatte ning seda kiirelt välja võtta kiireteks ja juhuslikeks võteteks.
・See objektiiv on mõeldud ainult käsitsi teravustamise jaoks, fikseeritud väärtusele F8. Kaamera automaatse teravustamise seadistust ja mõningaid käsitsi teravustamise abifunktsioone ei saa kasutada.
LUMIX S 26 mm F8

LUMIX S 18-40 mm F4.5-6.3

Kompaktne suumobjektiiv lihtsaks igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. See pakub erinevaid fookuskaugusi, alates 18 mm lainurkvõtete jaoks kuni 40 mm, mis on ideaalne loomulike portreede jaoks, pakkudes teile paindlikkust, et nautida mitmesuguste hetktõmmiste jäädvustamist.
LUMIX S 18-40 mm F4.5-6.3


Tehnilised andmed

Foto LUMIX S9 täiskaadriline hübriidkaamera DC-S9

Suurus ja kaal


Kõik väärtused on ligikaudsed. Ei sisalda objektiivi. Kaal koos tarvikupesa katte, aku ja SD-kaardiga. Ainult korpus 403 g. Mõõtmed ei sisalda eenduvaid osi.

  • L-MountL-Mount
  • 24,2 megapikslit24,2 megapikslit
  • 4K video ja 6K video4K video ja 6K video
  • MP4 (Lite)MP4 (Lite)
  • Phase Hybrid AFPhase Hybrid AF
  • Active I.S.Active I.S.
  • USB-toideUSB-toide
  • 1,84 miljoni punktiga vabalt pööratav ekraan1,84 miljoni punktiga vabalt pööratav ekraan
  • Wi-FiWi-Fi
  • BluetoothBluetooth
  • Rakendus LUMIX LabRakendus LUMIX Lab

Kõrge pildikvaliteet 24,2 MP täiskaadrianduriga

Kõrge eraldusvõimega 4K video ja 6K video

Kiire automaatne teravustamine ja stabiilne võte igas olukorras

Isikupärastatud eelseadistused sisu uuele tasemele viimiseks

Paindlik raamimine


  • Type

    • Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera
  • Lens mount

    • L-Mount


  • Type

    • 35mm full-frame (35.6mm x 23.8mm) CMOS sensor
  • Camera effective pixels / Total pixels

    • 24.20 megapixels / 25.30 megapixels
  • AR (Anti Reflection) coating

    • Yes
  • Aspect ratio / Color filter

    • 3:2 / Primary color filter
  • Dust reduction system

    • Image sensor shift type


  • 14+ stops (V-Log)


  • Recording file format

    • JPEG (DCF, Exif 3.0), RAW
  • Aspect ratio

    • 4:3 / 3:2 / 16:9 / 1:1 / 65:24 / 2:1
  • File size (Pixels) When using full-frame lenses

    • 3:2
      • 6000x4000(L) / 4272x2848(M) / 3024x2016(S) / 1920x1280(XS) / 12000x8000(XL)* / 8496x5664(LL)* *High Resolution mode.
    • 4:3
      • 5328x4000(L) / 3792x2848(M) / 2688x2016(S) / 1712x1280(XS) / 10656x8000(XL)* / 7552x5664(LL)* *High Resolution mode.
    • 16:9
      • 6000x3368(L) / 4272x2400(M) / 3024x1704(S) / 1920x1080(XS) / 12000x6736(XL)* / 8496x4784(LL)* *High Resolution mode.
    • 1:1
      • 4000x4000(L) / 2848x2848(M) / 2016x2016(S) / 1280x1280(XS) / 8000x8000(XL)* / 5664x5664(LL)* *High Resolution mode.
    • 65:24
      • 6000x2208(L)
    • 2:1
      • 6000x3000(L)
  • File size (Pixels) When using APS-C lenses

    • 3:2
      • 3984x2656(L) / 2880x1920(M) / 2064x1376(S) / 1920x1280(XS)
    • 4:3
      • 3536x2656(L) / 2560x1920(M) / 1840x1376(S) / 1712x1280(XS)
    • 16:9
      • 3984x2240(L) / 2880x1624(M) / 2064x1160(S) / 1920x1080(XS)
    • 1:1
      • 2656x2656(L) / 1920x1920(M) / 1376x1376(S) / 1280x1280(XS)
  • Image quality

    • RAW / RAW+Fine / RAW+Standard / Fine / Standard (High Resolution mode: Combined / RAW / RAW+Fine / Fine)
  • Color space

    • sRGB, AdobeRGB


  • Recording file format

    • MOV: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.265/HEVC
      MP4: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.265/HEVC
      MP4(Lite): H.265/HEVC
  • Audio format

    • MOV: LPCM (2ch 48kHz/24-bit, 96kHz/24-bit*)
      MP4: AAC (2ch 48kHz/16-bit)
      MP4(Lite): AAC (2ch 48kHz/16-bit)
      *When attaching Φ3.5mm microphone.
  • System frequency

    • 59.94Hz / 50.00Hz / 24.00Hz
  • Image area of video

    • Full / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL
  • MOV (*¹) / 59.94Hz / FULL (*HLG is selectable.)

    • [6K] 5952x3968 (3:2)
      • 29.97p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [6K] 5952x3136 (17:9)
      • 29.97p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [5.9K] 5888x3312 (16:9)
      • 29.97p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 119.88p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        119.88p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
  • MOV (*¹) / 59.94Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*HLG is selectable.)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 119.88p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        119.88p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)*
        59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *When Image Area of Video is set to APS-C.
  • MOV (*¹) / 50.00Hz / FULL (*HLG is selectable.)

    • [6K] 5952x3968 (3:2)
      • 25.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [6K] 5952x3136 (17:9)
      • 25.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [5.9K] 5888x3312 (16:9)
      • 25.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 100.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        100.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
  • MOV (*¹) / 50.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*HLG is selectable.)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 100.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        100.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)*
        50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *When Image Area of Video is set to APS-C.
  • MOV (*¹) / 24.00Hz / FULL (*HLG is selectable.)

    • [6K] 5952x3968 (3:2)
      • 24.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [6K] 5952x3136 (17:9)
      • 24.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [5.9K] 5888x3312 (16:9)
      • 24.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 48.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
  • MOV (*¹) / 24.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*HLG is selectable.)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 48.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
  • MP4(Lite) (*¹) / 59.94Hz / FULL

    • [3.8K] 3840x2560 (3:2)
      • 29.97p, 50Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
  • MP4(Lite) (*¹) / 59.94Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL

    • [3.8K] 3840x2560 (3:2)
      • 29.97p, 50Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
  • MP4(Lite) (*¹) / 50.00Hz / FULL

    • [3.8K] 3840x2560 (3:2)
      • 29.97p, 50Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
  • MP4(Lite) (*¹) / 50.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL

    • [3.8K] 3840x2560 (3:2)
      • 29.97p, 50Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
  • MP4(Lite) (*¹) / 24.00Hz / FULL

    • -
  • MP4(Lite) (*¹) / 24.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL

    • -
  • MP4 (*¹) / 59.94Hz / FULL

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 29.97p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        23.98p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 28Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        29.97p, 20Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        23.98p, 24Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
  • MP4 (*¹) / 59.94Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        29.97p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        23.98p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 28Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        29.97p, 20Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        23.98p, 24Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
  • MP4 (*¹) / 50.00Hz / FULL

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 25.00p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 28Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        25.00p, 20Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
  • MP4 (*¹) / 50.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        25.00p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 28Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        25.00p, 20Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
  • MP4 (*¹) / 24.00Hz / FULL

    • -
  • MP4 (*¹) / 24.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL

    • -


  • MOV (*¹) / 59.94Hz / FULL

    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *The focus mode switches to MF if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 150 or more.
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 180.
  • MOV (*¹) / 59.94Hz / APS-C

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *The focus mode switches to MF if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 150 or more.
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 180.
  • MOV (*¹) / 50.00Hz / FULL

    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *The focus mode switches to MF if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 150 or more.
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 180.
  • MOV (*¹) / 50.00Hz / APS-C

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *The focus mode switches to MF if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 150 or more.
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 180.
  • MOV (*¹) / 24.00Hz / FULL

    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *The focus mode switches to MF if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 150 or more.
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 180.
  • MOV (*¹) / 24.00Hz / APS-C

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *The focus mode switches to MF if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 150 or more.
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 180.


  • -


  • Type

    • TFT LCD monitor with static touch control
  • Monitor size

    • Free-angle, 3.0-inch (7.6cm), 3:2 aspect
  • Pixels

    • Approx. 1.84 million dots
  • Field of view

    • Approx. 100%


  • -

FOCUS (*²)

  • Type

    • Phase Detection AF system / Contrast AF system
  • DFD technology

    • Yes
  • Focus mode

    • AFS (Single) / AFC (Continuous) / MF
  • AF mode

    • Tracking / Full Area AF / Zone (Horizontal/Vertical) / Zone / 1-Area+ / 1-Area / Pinpoint
      *Automatic Detection can be turned ON to switch between Human / Animal / Car / Motorcycle. Except when Pinpoint is set.
  • AF detective range

    • EV -6 - 18 (F1.4, ISO100 equivalent, AFS)
  • AF custom setting

    • AF Sensitivity, AF Area Switching Sensitivity, Moving Object Prediction
  • AF assist light

    • Yes
  • AF lock

    • Set the Fn button in custom menu to AF lock
  • Focus ring control

    • Nonlinear / Linear (90°/ 120°/ 150°/ 180°/ 210°/ 240°/ 270°/ 300°/ 330°/ 360°/ 720°/ 1080°/ Maximum)
  • Others

    • AF-ON, AF-ON: Near Shift, AF-ON: Far Shift, Focus Limiter, Focus Peaking, 1-Area AF Moving Speed, AF Micro Adjustment, Continuous AF (during motion picture recording), Focus/Shutter Priority, Focus Switching for Vert/Hor, AF/AE Lock Hold, AF+MF, MF Assist, MF Guide, Focus Ring Lock, AF-Point Scope, Shutter AF, Half Press Shutter, Quick AF, Loop Focus Frame, Enlarged Live Display (Video), Touch Shutter, Touch AF/AE Function, Lens Focus Resume


  • Light metering system

    • 1,728-zone multi-pattern sensing system
  • Light metering mode

    • Multiple / Center Weighted / Spot / Highlight Weighted
  • Metering range

    • EV0-18 (F2.0 lens, ISO100 equivalent)
  • Mode dial

    • Program AE (P) / Aperture Priority AE (A) / Shutter Priority AE (S) / Manual Exposure (M) / Creative Video (P/A/S/M)* / Slow&Quick / Custom 1, 2, 3 / Intelligent Auto
      *The same exposure operations as P/A/S/M mode is available.
  • Exposure compensation

    • 1/3 EV step ±5EV (±3EV for motion picture)
  • ISO sensitivity (Standard output sensitivity)

    • [Normal]
      Auto / 50* / 100-51200 / 102400* / 204800* (1/3 or 1 EV step) *Extended ISO

      Auto / 320* / 640-51200 (1/3 or 1 EV step) *Extended ISO

      [HLG] (Video)
      Auto / 400-51200 / 102400* / 204800* (1/3 or 1 EV step) *Extended ISO
  • Dual Native ISO

    • [Normal]
      Auto (Base ISO 100 / 640): Auto / 50* / 100-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO
      Low (Base ISO 100): Auto / 50* / 100-800 *Extended ISO
      High (Base ISO 640): Auto / 320* / 640-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO

      Auto (Base ISO 640 / 4000): Auto / 320* / 640-51200 *Extended ISO
      Low (Base ISO 640): Auto / 320* / 640-5000 *Extended ISO
      High (Base 4000): Auto / 2000* / 4000-51200 *Extended ISO

      Auto (Base ISO 400 / 2500): Auto / 400-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO
      Low (Base ISO 400): Auto / 400-3200
      High (Base ISO 2500): Auto / 2500-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO

      [Cinelike D2 / Cinelike V2]
      Auto (Base ISO 200 / 1250): Auto / 100* / 200-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO
      Low (Base ISO 200): Auto /100* / 200-1600 *Extended ISO
      High (Base ISO 1250): Auto / 640* / 1250-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO
  • Synchro scan

    • Still image / Motion picture
  • AE lock

    • Set the Fn button in custom menu to AE lock


  • B.I.S. (5-axis / 5-stop*) *Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction: focusing distance f=60mm when S-R2060 is used.]
    Dual I.S. 2 (6.5-stop*) *Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction: focusing distance f=200mm when S-E70200 is used.]


  • White balance

    • AWB / AWBc / AWBw / Daylight / Cloudy / Shade / Incandescent / White Set 1, 2, 3, 4 / Color temperature setting 1, 2, 3, 4
  • White balance adjustment

    • Blue/Amber bias, Magenta/Green bias
  • Color temperature setting

    • 2500-10000K in 100K


  • Type

    • Electronic shutter
  • Shutter speed

    • Still image: Time* (Max. 60 sec**), 1/8,000 - 60**
      Motion picture: 1/16,000 - 1/25
      Creative Video M mode / MF mode: 1/16,000 - 1/2
      *Bulb recording is available when using a Bluetooth remote control. **When the ISO setting exceeds 1600, the shutter speed will be reduced to less than 60 seconds.
  • Self timer

    • 10sec, 3 images / 2sec / 10sec / Custom Time
  • Silent mode

    • Yes


  • AE bracket

    • 3, 5, 7 images in 1/3, 2/3 or 1 EV step, max. ±3 EV, single/burst
  • Aperture bracket

    • 3, 5 or all positions
  • Focus bracket

    • Yes
  • White balance bracket

    • 3 images in blue/amber axis or in magenta/green axis, color temperature setting


  • Burst speed

    • SH30: 30 frames/sec (AFS/AFC/MF)
      SH30 PRE: 30 frames/sec (AFS/AFC/MF)
      H: 9 frames/sec (AFS/MF), 8 frames/sec (AFC) (with Live View)
      M: 5 frames/sec (AFS/MF) (with Live View), 5 frames/sec (AFC) (with Live View)
      L: 2 frames/sec (AFS/AFC/MF) (with Live View)
  • Number of recordable images

    • H*: RAW+JPEG: More than 35 images, RAW: More than 55 images, JPEG: More than 120 images
      M*: RAW+JPEG: More than 50 images, RAW: More than 200 images, JPEG: More than 200 images
      L*: RAW+JPEG: More than 200 images, RAW: More than 200 images, JPEG: More than 200 images
      SH: RAW / RAW+JPEG / JPEG: 36 images
      *Until the burst shooting speed slows. When recording is performed under the test conditions specified by Panasonic.
      *When using a card with SD Speed Class with "UHS-II UHS Speed Class 3 (U3)".


  • -


  • Photo Style

    • Photo Style
      • Standard / Vivid / Natural / L. Classic Neo / Flat / Landscape / Portrait / Monochrome / L. Monochrome / L. Monochrome D / L. Monochrome S / LEICA Monochrome / Cinelike D2 / Cinelike V2 / Like709 / V-Log / REAL TIME LUT / Like2100 (HLG) / Like2100 (HLG) Full Range* / My Photo Style 1-4 (5-10)*
        *Set to ON from Show/Hide Photo Style to select.
    • Picture adjustment
      • Contrast / Highlight / Shadow / Saturation / Color Tone / Hue / Filter Effect / Grain Effect / Color Noise / Sharpness / Noise Reduction / ISO / WB / LUT
        *Adjustable settings vary depending on the Photo Style mode.
  • Filter

    • Expressive / Retro / Old Days / High Key / Low Key / Sepia / Cross Process / Bleach Bypass
  • LUT Library

    • Supported file types: .vlt, .cube
      Vlog_709 / Set 1-39 (Set 1-3: Sample LUT)
      *REAL TIME LUT in Photo Style, Apply LUT in Fn button, Apply LUT in RAW Processing, LUT View Assist in Log View Assist, LUT can be applied from these settings.


  • Hybrid zoom

    • Still image / Motion picture
  • Crop zoom

    • Still image / Motion picture


  • Time lapse shot

    • Yes
  • Stop motion animation

    • Yes
  • Live cropping

    • Yes (Supports cropping from 5.9K (FULL) 30p/25p/24p video to 4K/FHD sizes)
  • SS/Gain operation

    • Shutter Duration/ISO / Angle/ISO / Shutter Duration/dB
  • Luminance level

    • 8-bit: 0-255 / 16-235 / 16-255
      10-bit: 0‒1023 / 64‒940 / 64‒1023
  • Master pedestal level

    • 31 steps
  • Color bars / 1kHz test tone

    • Yes (SMPTE / EBU / ARIB) / Yes
  • LUT view assist

    • Monitor / HDMI
  • HLG view assist

    • Monitor (MODE1 / MODE2 / OFF) / HDMI (AUTO / MODE1 / MODE2 / OFF)
  • Anamorphic desqueeze display

    • 2.0x / 1.8x / 1.5x / 1.33x / 1.30x / OFF
  • Wave form monitor / Vectorscope

    • Selectable
  • Knee control

    • Yes (in Like709 mode)
  • Red REC frame indicator

    • ON / OFF


  • Still image / Motion picture (ON/OFF)


  • Yes


  • REC

    • Exposure Comp. / Dual Native ISO Setting / Sensitivity / White Balance / Photo Style / Apply LUT / REAL TIME LUT / Metering Mode / Aspect Ratio / Picture Quality / Picture Size / 1 Shot Spot Metering / Min. Shutter Speed / 1 Shot RAW+JPG / i.Dynamic Range / Color Shading Compensation / Filter Effect / One Push AE / Touch AE / AWB Lock / Exposure Mode / Synchro Scan (Photo) / Synchro Scan (Video) / Focus Mode / AF Mode / AF Detection Setting / Detecting Subject / AF Custom Setting (Photo) / AF Custom Setting (Video) / Focus Limiter / Focus Limiter Range Set / Focus Peaking / Focus Peaking Sensitivity / Focus Frame Moving Speed / Focus Ring Lock / AE LOCK / AF LOCK / AF/AE LOCK / AF-ON / AF-ON: Near Shift / AF-ON: Far Shift / AF-Point Scope / Focus Area Set / Enlarged Live Display (Video) / Drive Mode/ Drive Mode Setting / Bracketing / Silent Mode / Image Stabilizer / Hybrid Zoom (Photo) / Crop Zoom / Rec. File Format / Rec Quality / Rec Quality (My List) / Slow & Quick Setting / Time Code Display / Sound Rec Level Disp. / Mute Sound Input / Sound Rec Level Adj. / Sound Rec Quality / Sound Rec Level Limiter / Image Stabilizer / E-Stabilization (Video) / Boost I.S. (Video) / Image Area of Video / Hybrid Zoom (Video) / Crop Zoom / Focus Transition / Live Cropping / Live Cropping Settings / Q.MENU / Rec/Playback Switch / Video Record / Video Record (Creative Video) / Operation Lock / Dial Operation Switch / Preview / Preview Aperture Effect / Constant Preview / Level Gauge / Histogram / Luminance Spot Meter / Frame Marker / Photo Grid Line / Live View Boost / Monochrome Live View / Night Mode / Monitor Disp. Set / Video-Priority Display / Zebra Pattern / LUT View Assist (Monitor) / LUT View Assist (HDMI) / LUT Select (LUT View Assist) / HLG View Assist(Monitor) / HLG View Assist (HDMI) / Sheer Overlay / I.S. Status Scope / WFM/Vector Scope / Anamorphic Desqueeze Display / Color Bars / Focus Ring Control / AF Micro Adjustment / Lens Information / Wi-Fi / Save to Custom Mode / No Setting / Off (Disable Press and Hold) / Restore to Default
  • PLAY

    • Magnify from AF Point / LUT View Assist (Monitor) / HLG View Assist (Monitor) / Anamorphic Desqueeze Display / RAW Processing / Delete Single / Protect / Rating 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / Rec/Playback Switch / Video Record / Video Record (Creative Video) / Night Mode / Wi-Fi / Send Image (Smartphone) / LUT View Assist (HDMI) / HLG View Assist (HDMI) / No Setting / Off (Disable Press and Hold) / Restore to Default


  • USB

    • USB Type-C® (USB 10Gbps)
  • HDMI (*³)

    • HDMI
      • HDMI TypeD
        Audio: ON / OFF, MP4: 2ch, MOV: 2ch
    • Monitor-through
      • 4:2:2 10bit (When [Rec Quality] is set to [4:2:2 10bit] or [4:2:0 10bit].)
        4:2:2 8bit (When [Rec Quality] is set to [4:2:0 8bit].)
    • Playback
      • 59.94Hz: C4K/60p / C4K/30p / 4K/60p / 4K/30p / 1080/120p / 1080p / 1080i / 720p* / 480p*
        50.00Hz: C4K/50p / C4K/25p / 4K/50p / 4K/25p / 1080/100p / 1080p / 1080i / 720p* / 576p*
        24.00Hz: C4K/24p / 4K/24p / 1080p
        *Only for playback.
  • Remote input

    • -
  • Audio

    • Build-in microphone
      • Stereo
        Wind Noise Canceller: OFF / Standard / High
    • External microphone / External audio device input
      • φ3.5mm for external microphone / external audio device
        MIC (Plug-in Power) / MIC / LINE
        Wind Cut: OFF / Low / Standard / High *When attaching 3.5mm microphone (sold separately).
        Special Mic: Stereo / Shotgun *When attaching DMW-MS2 (sold separately).
    • Speaker
      • Monaural
    • Headphone output
      • -
  • SD card slot

    • SD Memory Card / SDHC Memory Card* / SDXC Memory Card*
      *Compatible with UHS-I/UHS-II UHS Speed Class 3 standard SDHC/SDXC Memory Cards and UHS-II Video Speed Class 90 standard SDXC Memory Cards.


  • Count up

    • Rec Run / Free Run
  • Time code mode

    • Drop Frame / Non-Drop Frame (When system frequency [59.94Hz] is selected.)
  • HDMI time code output

    • ON / OFF


  • Wi-Fi

    • 2.4GHz bands (STA/AP) (IEEE802.11b/g/n)
      5GHz bands (STA/AP) (IEEE 802.11a/n/ac)
      Security: WPA/WPA2/WPA3
  • Bluetooth

    • Bluetooth® v5.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE))


  • Battery

    • Li-ion Battery Pack (7.2V, 2200mAh, 16Wh) (bundled)
      USB power supply, USB power charging
  • Battery life (CIPA standard)

    • Approx. 470 images with S-R2060
      Approx. 430 images with S-R28200
      *Under the test conditions specified by Panasonic based on CIPA standard.
  • Continuous recordable time (Motion picture) (*¹)

    • MP4 [4K/60p]: Approx. 100 min (APS-C), MP4 [FHD/30p]: Approx. 120 min (FULL) *When using S-R2060 / S-R28200. When the battery is fully charged.
  • Actual recordable time (Motion picture) (*¹)

    • MP4 [4K/60p]: Approx. 50 min (APS-C), MP4 [FHD/30p]: Approx. 60 min (FULL) *When using S-R2060 / S-R28200. When the battery is fully charged.


  • Dimensions (W x H x D)

    • Approx. 126 x 73.9 x 46.7 mm / 4.96 x 2.91 x 1.84 inch (Body only, excluding protrusions)
      Approx. 126 x 73.9 x 133.9 mm / 4.96 x 2.91 x 5.28 inch (with S-R2060, excluding protrusions)
      Approx. 126 x 73.9 x 140.1 mm / 4.96 x 2.91 x 5.52 inch (with S-R28200, excluding protrusions)
  • Weight

    • Approx. 486g / 1.08 lb (Body, Shoe Cover, Battery, SD Memory Card) (excluding body cap)
      Approx. 403g / 0.89 lb (Body, Shoe Cover) (excluding body cap)


  • Operating temperature

    • 0℃ to 40℃ (32℉ to 104℉)
  • Operating humidity

    • 10%RH to 80%RH


  • Software

    • LUMIX Lab / LUMIX Sync
      ・This software is used to control a Panasonic digital camera from a smartphone. Check the site below to download and install the software. (For Android™ / iOS)

      LUMIX Tether
      ・This software is used to control a Panasonic digital camera from a computer. It allows you to change various settings of the camera, perform remote recording, and save remotely recorded images to the PC. Check the site below to download and install the software. (For Windows / Mac)

      ・The software to process RAW file on computer is not bundled with this camera. To do this, SILKYPIX Developer Studio is available for download at Ichikawa Soft Laboratory's website using computer connected to the Internet. (For Windows / Mac)
  • Standard accessories

    • DC-S9 Kit
      Body Cap, Shoe Cover, Shoulder Strap, Battery Pack

      DC-S9K Kit / DC-S9H Kit
      Body Cap, Shoe Cover, Shoulder Strap, Battery Pack, Lens Cap, Lens Hood, Lens Rear Cap

      ・The Operating Instructions for advanced features is available for downloaded at Panasonic LUMIX Customer Support Site using PC, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet.


  • (*1) About motion picture recording

    - The cards that can be used for recording vary depending on the motion pictures bit rate and format type.
    Motion pictures with 72Mbps or less: SD memory card with SD Speed Class with Class 10 or Video Speed Class 10 or higher
    Motion pictures with 200Mbps or less: SD memory card with UHS-I / UHS-II UHS Speed Class 3 (U3) or Video Speed Class 30 or higher

    - Recording stops when the continuous recording time exceeds 10 minutes in [6K] [5.9K].
    - Recording stops when the continuous recording time exceeds 15 minutes in [C4K] [4K] [3.8K] [3.3K].
    - Recording stops when the continuous recording time exceeds 20 minutes in [FHD].

    - A new file will be created to continue recording if the file size exceeds the following conditions.
    [MP4] in [FHD]: 4GB
    [MP4] in [4K]: 96GB
    [MOV]: 192GB

    (*2) About AF
    - Automatic Detection is not available for High Frame Rate video shooting above 60p (100p or 120p).
    - Tracking and Automatic Detection are not available when using HDMI cable or USB connection cable for High Frame Rate video shooting (100p or 120p) above 60p.

    (*3) To output motion pictures with 4K or higher, use a Premium High Speed HDMI cable (Type A - Type A plug).

Seotud tooted





Foto VW-LED1



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Statiivi adapter

Foto DMW-TA1


LUMIX S9 täiskaadriline hübriidkaamera DC-S9