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Foto af DMW-GTC1 Telekonverter

DMW-GTC1 Telekonverter

Lens Construction 6 elements in 4 groups
Focal Length H-PS14042 f=84mm (35mm camera equivalent 168mm)
H-H014 -
Magnification 2.0x
Maximum image magnification H-PS14042 x0.05
H-H014 -
Diagonal Angle of View H-PS14042 14°(TELE)
H-H014 -
Closest Focusing Distance H-H014 -
H-PS14042 1.4m / 4.6ft
Longest Focusing Distance H-PS14042
H-H014 -
Filter Size -
Max. Diameter φ53.5mm / 2.1in
Overall Length Approx. 47.4mm (from the tip of the lens to the base side of the lens mount) / 1.9in
Weight Approx. 84g / 3.0oz (excluding lens cap and lens rear cap)
Standard Accessories Lens cap, Lens rear cap, Adaptor ring
Attachable Lens*1 H-PS14042
NOTE *1 As of 9th, Jan, 2012

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