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5 Hair Straightening Myths – and the Facts!

Do you love to create beautiful looks with your hair straighteners, but are never quite sure about all the “rules” you’re supposed to follow?
Hair straighteners can be a fantastic and versatile tool for styling, but there are quite a few myths about them, which can get a little confusing. So to clear the way to flawless and worry-proof looks, we’ve gone through some of the most common ones, to get the facts poker straight!

Daily or regular hair straightening will ruin your hair
This is a common “warning” given out to anyone who straightens their hair with any regular frequency, by well-meaning onlookers.
The facts are a little more complex than that. While regular heat styling can certainly put stress on hair, with proper care and maintenance, it’s possible to make sure your hair stays healthy and strong, no matter how often you decide to style it.
Hair protectants are designed for an important purpose – to protect your hair! So always ensure they are used according to the product’s directions, prior or after straightening. Not only will they protect the hair shaft, but they will also help to keep your locks looking smooth and shiny, by reducing breakage or damage, which can give hair a dull, brittle and rough look.
Choosing the right hair straightener for the job is also an important part in making sure your hair stays strong. Rather than simply looking for a straightener may only heat up, look at additional features that may also be included. The Panasonic’s Nanoe technology hair straightener is designed to help your hair retain moisture, keeping it hydrated, shiny and in good condition.

Straightening your hair while wet is fine with “wet” straighteners
While some hair straighteners may claim to be able to straighten wet or damp hair without causing any problems to your hair, it’s actually safer and better for your hair in the long run to may sure your hair is properly dry first. Even if that means taking a little extra time – it’s worth the extra few minutes!
If you’ve ever tried running your straightener through damp hair, you’re probably familiar with the tell-tale sound that immediately comes up – that slight hiss of steam that comes up from your locks.
That burst of steam is more than just a sign that you left a part of your hair damp – the impact of heat on damp hair can also cause bubbles to form in the hair fibre, which can then lead to the hair shaft to crack.
Invest in a high - quality hair dryer to complement your hair styling routine – the Panasonic EH – NA65CN Nanoe technology hair dryer combines a fast drying nozzle with ion technology to keep hair hydrated and smooth.

Turning up the heat will deliver a better result
Another tempting path to fast results is often to turn up the heat to a higher setting – but that can sometimes be detrimental to your hair.
Heat settings are designed to meet the needs of different types of hair – finer hair will often straighten best with lower temperatures, while thicker hair may need a higher setting.
As well as finding the right temperature setting, its also helpful to have a consistent and stable temperature across the whole of the plate. You’ll often find lower quality straighteners that promise fast and high temperatures will have inconsistent heat across the plate – this can result in some areas of hair being over or underheated, and an overall poor result.

Heat-straightening coloured hair will cause your colour to dull
When styling coloured hair, it’s extra important to invest in the best hair care you can. As your hair has already been altered – most likely, using chemical treatments, to alter your shade, the structure of your hair will be different to your natural hair.
This doesn’t mean that you cannot straighten coloured hair at all – instead, you should be careful of how you apply heat. It’s best to use a lower heat setting to retain colour integrity. This will help you style your hair, without causing its colour to dull or lose its lustre.

Straightening your hair will cause it to frizz more
Frizz is an important indicator that your hair is drying out – which isn’t always caused by using a hair straightener. When styling your hair with heat, you should always ensure it is staying as hydrated as possible – starting from your shampoo and conditioner, all the way to how you style and look after your hair once it’s done.
Choose a shampoo and conditioner combination that will hydrate and nourish your hair effectively – while some may make your hair feel smooth initially, this can quickly wear off, or lead to residue build up, that causes it to become greasy or dull. Treat your hair to a nourishing mask or treatment on a regular basis – and of course, make sure you’re taking plenty of hydration to look after your hair from the inside out!
Always use a pre-styling treatment to keep your hair protected before drying and straightening. This will help retain moisture and prevent frizz. And finally, when straightening, avoid using too high a heat setting to unnecessarily dry your hair out – this will keep it looking smooth and glossy, for a perfect result.