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Oatmeal and Yoghurt Face Scrub

Oatmeal and Yoghurt Face Scrub

This all-natural oat-based body scrub has a rich creamy texture that smooths easily even on dry skin.
The soothing aroma of the oils combined with the oats provides a wonderful exfoliation when scrubbed onto the face and neck. This is a great addition to your skincare regime.
Note: This recipe is a skin treatment. It is not intended for consumption.

Oatmeal and Yoghurt Face Scrub

What to prepare

Oatmeal and Yoghurt Face Scrub


  • 60 gOats
  • 30 gYogurt
  • 30 mlCoconut Oil



Grind oats into a fine powder using a grinder. (MK-KM5070)

Oatmeal and Yoghurt Face Scrub


Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl using a hand mixer (MK-GH3)

Oatmeal and Yoghurt Face Scrub


Transfer to a plate or dish.


Note: “The body scrub recipe ideas are provided for general information purposes only. Please take caution that some of the body scrub  may cause irritation or harm to individual skin types. It is best to consult with a doctor for medical assistance if there are issues, Panasonic make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability concerning the body scrub  recipe ideas. Panasonic will not be responsible for the damage that has been done to your skin; you are taking the information provided at your risks”.

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