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4 Smoothies by Chef Manal Alalem

4 Smoothies by Chef Manal Alalem

4 Smoothies by Chef Manal Alalem
Cooking Time5 minutesDifficulty:Easy


Recipe 1: Peanut butter smoothie

  • 10cubes of ice
  • 0.5cup peanut butter
  • 3biscuit pieces
  • 2cups milk

Recipe 2: Perez

  • 0.5cup frozen strawberries
  • 0.5cup mixed berries
  • 10pieces of ice
  • 2cups milk
  • 1tablespoon rose syrup

Recipe 3: Banana Milk Shake

  • 2large frozen bananas
  • 2cups milk
  • 1teaspoon honey

Recipe 4: Green Smoothie

  • 1large green apple
  • 2medium cucumbers
  • 1small piece of ginger
  • 10cubes of ice
  • 1sheet cal



Recipe 1: Put the ice cubes in the blender and crush, then add the plain biscuits, peanut butter, milk and mix it well and finally empty them into the serving cups.


Recipe 2: Put the frozen mixed berries, frozen strawberries, ice cubes and milk in the blender and mix it well. Finally empty into serving cups and put a spoon of rose syrup on top.


Recipe 3: Put the frozen bananas in the blender and add the milk and honey, mix well and finally empty into the serving cups.


Recipe 4: Crush the ice cubes in the blender until fine, then add cal leaves, cucumber, ginger, green mint, green apple, lemon juice, a little water and mix it well and finally empty it into the serving cups.