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AnvändaromdömenDMP-BDT330 Blu-rayspelare
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The player stops frerzez and stops working almost every time i use any network applications such as netflix, youtube, playing content from NAS.
Can't even reboot. Only way to make it work is to disconnect power for 30 seconds and reconnect to network, including search for network and retype network password etc.
I have the latest firmware.
Useless product!
Apa 08 oktober 2020 12:03
WIFI Connectivity Bug
While the player works fine for DVDs, and works fine for internet driven content when you are connected to a wired LAN connection - the 'wireless' functionality has a major bug, and I cannot find any information on how to fix it.
A few years ago we ran our internet based content via wifi, connecting worked just as the information in the owner's manual.
Then we decided that our wifi network didn't have enough 'umph' when someone was watching Netflix, and someone else was doing some heavier bandwidth intensive things on a computer at the same time. So we decided to use a wired connection to access the internet content.
NOW, it will not connect to the wifi because it says that I need a "Wireless LAN Adaptor", which is a) only needed for other models, b) never needed before when using the wifi network, and c) bullshit.
We have changed apartments recently and it is pretty much required for us to connect our BDT330 to the wireless network, and we cannot.... love it.
BTW - do NOT anyone suggest that I update the firmware, according to this device, I have the latest.
Brian 28 mars 2020 12:29