The Same Wash for Different Stains!? No Way!
Washing needs differ according to the type of stain. For example, simple soaking does nothing to remove mud stains. Mud stains need to be scrubbed away with strong water flow to push away the mud and sand buried deep in the fabric. With Panasonic’s StainMaster, choosing a course for the right washing style is just a button away.

Freshen up Those Sweaty Shirts!
Taking a refreshing shower after sweating feels amazing! But what about the sweat on your clothes? Leave it all up to the Sweat Course of StainMaster. The strong water flow and the scrub wash effect will wash off the sweat and even freshen up your clothes.

Welcome Your Little Muddy One with a Smile
Don’t scold your little one even when they come home all muddy. The Mud Course of StainMaster will take care of it all by pushing out stubborn dirt and dust stuck in the fibers with strong water flow, making mud stain removal a breeze.

Clothes Stained by Delicious Sauce
Who doesn't love spaghetti? We all worry about a splash of sauce staining our clothes though.The Sauce Course lifts sauce stains to wash away easily. Go ahead, enjoy your favorite dish wearing your favorite clothes!

A Touch of Buttons Removes Various Stains
By simply pressing the button of your choice, StainMaster does the laundry with the washing style best suited for the stain.