Fine Japanese swords must fulfill three absolute conditions:
They must never break. While flexible, they must never stay bent.
And they must always cut perfectly. The skill and knowledge of the
traditional swordsmith live on in Panasonic.
To enhance both strength and sharpness, the swordsmith forges steel
to craft the blade.
Hammering and shaping the steel while it is red-hot brings out these and other beneficial qualities,
such as flexibility.
Today, this process remains of crucial importance in producing blades of the finest quality.
Panasonic technology
We leverage both ancient
and modern technologies
to develop and manufacture
blades of incomparable
sharpness and overall
The skill and spirit of the
swordsmith are very much
alive in our products.
Subjecting the steel to high temperatures increases its hardness
and durability.
Both the temperature and timing of the process must be perfect in order to achieve the perfect blade.
Only through many years of experience can one develop the intuition necessary for this craft.
We forge stainless steel
blades of exceptional
strength and wear
-resistance. We leverage
the wisdom of the artisan
to achieve smooth
-shaving blades that
last a long, long time.
Special grinding techniques perfected through countless hours of practice
help the swordsmith produce a blade both sharp and beautiful.
The level of precision required is extremely high. One mistake, and the amazing cutting performance and
distinctive look of a katana will be marred beyond repair.
Panasonic technology
For our products, we
craft 30° acute-angle,
nano-polished inner
blades. We forge these
blades using the same
techniques as for classic
katana, then sharpen
them with nanometer
-level precision.
The swordsmiths of old would never allow anything but perfection to leave
the workshop.
Their experienced eyes caught even the tiniest flaw in a blade.
They may not have used the words “quality control,” but they helped establish a tradition of outstanding
quality for which Japan has become famous.
Panasonic technology
As inheritors of technology
from the great
swordsmiths, we have
the responsibility of
honoring the uncompromising
quality standards
they established.
For this reason, we
subject every blade
we craft to a stringent
inspection protocol.
In fact, our ultra-tough
inspection is an original
Panasonic technology.