ECONAVI Intelligent Sensors detect unconscious waste of energy using the Human Activity Sensor and Sunlight Sensor. It is able to monitor human location, movements, absence and sunlight intensity. It then automatically adjusts cooling power to save energy efficiently with uninterrupted comfort and convenience.
Cooling areas where there aren't any people?
Cooling at high power when nobody's
Cooling when nobody's in the room?
Cooling at high power even at night?
ECONAVI detects human absence in the room and reduces the waste of cooling an empty room.
ECONAVI detects changes in sunlight intensity in the room and judges whether it is sunny or cloudy/night.It reduces the waste of cooling under less sunlight conditions.
ECONAVI with Temperature Wave incorporates a unique pattern of Temperature Shifting Control to realise even more energy savings without sacrificing comfort.
ECONAVI detects changes in human movements and reduces the waste of cooling the unoccupied area of the room.
ECONAVI detects changes in activity levels and reduces the waste of cooling with unnecessary power.