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Photo of Monitor / Overhead Style RP-HD10

Monitor / Overhead Style RP-HD10

FEATURE Driver Unit (diameter in mm) 50 mm driverunit with MLF (Multi Layer Film) Diaphragm and Anti-vibration driver frame.
Magnet Type (Nd:Neodymium / Fe:Ferrite) Nd
Impedance (Ohm) / 500 Hz 18 Ω
Sensitivity (dB / mW) 92 dB/mW
Max. Input (mW) 1500 (*1 IEC)
Frequency Response (Hz - kHz) 4 Hz - 50 kHz
Cord Length (m / ft.) 1.2 / 3.9, 3.0 / 9.8 (Detachable)
Weight (g) without cord and battery 320 (11.3 oz)
MiniPlug (3.5mm in diam.) yes
Plug Adaptor (6.3mm in diam.) yes
Plug (Ni:Nickel / G:Gold) G
Remote/ Mic yes
NOTE (*1)IEC:International Electrotechnical Commission

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