A nanoe is a technology developed by Panasonic to produce nano-sized electrostatic atomized water particles. “The electrostatic atomized water technology” involves gathering moisture in the air that is invisible, and applying a high voltage to generate nano-sized water particles. These electrified water particles are called "electrostatic atomized water" and contain highly reactive components that easily affect a wide variety of substances.
Invisible, ultrafine nano-sized particles
A nanoe refers to electrostatic atomized water particles. They are about a billion times smaller than steam particles, making them too small to see with the naked eye.

Contains 1,000 times the moisture
A nanoe, atomized water particles, contains about 1,000 times more water than regular negative ions, so it delivers plenty of moisture.

Gentle, weak acidity
Healthy skin and hair are naturally weakly acidic and this acidity has a healthy barrier function. nanoe is also weakly acidic so it has a gentle action on skin and hair.

A nanoe generator features a microscopic metal-tipped atomizing electrode. Water in the air condenses on the tip where high voltage repeatedly splits it into ultrafine atomized particles. These are nanoe.
* nanoe are generated from water in the air so no water supply or maintenance are required.

Cooling the electrode causes moisture in the air to condense on the tip.

When a high voltage is applied, negatively charged water collects at the tip.

When a critical point is reached, water drop lets rapidly disintegrate to become nano-sized particles (nanoe) that fly off.