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Photo of Telephone KX-TG2722

Telephone KX-TG2722

Colour M[Metallic Grey]
Number of Handset 2
Power Back-Up Operation -
Caller ID Memory 50 items
Caller ID Memory *1 Requires subscription to Caller ID and / or SMS service offered by your telephone company
Incoming Call Barring -
Phonebook Memory (Name/Number) 50 items (16char/24digits)
Phonebook Copy (Handset to Handset) Y
LCD - Handset 1.4 inch Dot
LCD - Handset Monochrome
LCD - Handset 16 digits x 3 line
Speakerphone - Handset (Volume Steps) Y(6-step)
Bluetooth Headset Capability -
Headset Jack -
Speakerphone - Base Unit (Volume Steps) -
Wall Mountable - Base Unit Y
Answering System Y
Total Recording Time About 18 min

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