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Wholesome apple green juice

Wholesome apple green juice

This fresh juice uses a whole green apple including the peel, which is rich in nutrients.
With a powerful juicer that extracts all the goodness from your ingredients, you can enjoy the flavours of fruits and vegetables, right down to the last drop.

Wholesome apple green juice main image
Cooking Time5 minutes227kcal per servingDifficulty:Easy


  • 1Lemon
  • 2Orange
  • 1Green Apple
  • 60gSpinach
  • 2gChia Seed for Garnish



Peel the lemon and oranges.


Put the green apple, whole and unpeeled, into the juicer, and juice at Speed 2.


Add the spinach, lemon and oranges to the juicer, and juice at Speed 1.


If you like, serve with a topping of chia seeds soaked in water at room temperature for 30 mins.

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