Sustainability Contributing to the planet's future and the development of society

Sustainability Initiatives

Basic Approach to Sustainability

We in the Panasonic Group will continue to squarely address social issues, thus making meaningful contributions toward a sustainable society. Through these efforts, we are striving to enhance our corporate value.


The Panasonic Group aims to achieve both a better life and a sustainable global environment, by creating impacts from actions that reduce our own CO2 emissions, contribute to avoiding CO2 emissions of society, and realize a circular economy.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We will create greater value and contribute to society by embracing and respecting the individuality of each person who accepts challenges as parts of the organization.

Corporate Citizenship Activities

Each and every one of our employees is committed to social contribution through corporate citizenship activities, directly dealing with social issues in ways that are different from our manufacturing and other core businesses.​

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Activities Report

Related Information

Scope of Reporting

Except when noted otherwise, results are calculated based on the following:


Fiscal 2024 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)


Panasonic Group (Panasonic Holdings Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries).
Some consolidated subsidiaries that joined the Group through acquisitions or other means may not be included. In this data book, “the Company” means Panasonic Holdings Corporation, and “we”, “Panasonic”,and “the Group” mean the Panasonic Group mentioned above.


  • Data concerning manufacturing sites cover all the manufacturing sites (totaling 222) that constitute the Panasonic Group’s environmental management system
  • Energy data and CO2 emissions data from energy sources are added for non-manufacturing sites (75)
  • Data for which the fiscal year and region are not expressly stated are global results for fiscal 2024



For inquiries regarding this Sustainability website, please contact: 

(For Environment) Quality & Environment Division, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd.

(For other inquiries) Sustainability Management Project, Corporate Strategy Division, Panasonic Holdings Corporation

Address:TOKYO MIDTOWN HIBIYA 14F, 1-1-2, Yuraku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006, JAPAN

Phone: +81-3-3437-1121 (switchboard)