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KundenbewertungenCD Micro System SC-PMX84

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2 Bewertungen

Random noise on a specific CD

I bought the SC-PMX84 system just before Christmas 2018 and used it extensively up to now (April 9, 2019). Until recently, I have had no problems with any of the CDs in my collection.

Two weeks ago, I bought a compilation of three CDs (Fabrizio De André, ''In Direzione Ostinata e Contraria''); the CDs were produced by the same manufacturer and appear identical, save for their identification as CD1, 2, 3. The first two CDs can be played without a problem; random noise is heard from the third CD (CD3), similar to the one produced by LPs which were scratched radially. Believing that the product was defective, I returned it. The replacement came a few days later, and CD3 was as noisy as in the earlier product!

I tested the problematic CD on other CD players I possess, which are substantially more expensive than SC-PMX84; no noise was present. One could hypothesise that CD3 could be played only on expensive CD players, but this breaks down as no noise could be heard when I used the CD player of my car. In addition, the ripped tracks ('wma' and 'mp3') are noiseless.

This appears to be hardly credible. Why is this particular CD affected and not others? It does not seem to me a problem of dynamic range or size (CDs 1 and 3 of the aforementioned compilation are almost equal in size). I am wondering whether other people have experienced (and could report) similar problems.

All the best, E. Matsinos

Evangelos Matsinos Dienstag, 9. April 2019 08:24


Super Sound

Bin begeistert vom Klang dieses Systems. Zudem ist die Bedienung sehr einfach. Einzelne Regelung von Höhen und Tiefen ist super!

Zufriedener Konsument Freitag, 15. Dezember 2017 06:45